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Forums - Sony Discussion - I don't think the PS3 can hit middle-high 5 mil consoles by the end of the year....

I think it is mainly Americans underestimating the PS3 because it isn't as popular as the other two consoles over there. They severely underestimated the PS3 in Europe and Other territories. Of course, me being a European, knew the power of the PS3 and my prediction will be dead on. :)

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^your ps3 prediction will be right but your wii prediction will be wrong

yeah, but only because of supply issues. I thought they would be worse, but then they upped production. My 360 prediction was just wrong by miles :P.

I guess the original prediction was based on price and sales at the time and did not take into account Sony's desperate price drop and multiple SKU tactics.

llewdebkram said:
I guess the original prediction was based on price and sales at the time and did not take into account Sony's desperate price drop and multiple SKU tactics.

 Yes, you are right, and some Sony Defenders love to ignore that fact...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
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FJ-Warez said:
llewdebkram said:
I guess the original prediction was based on price and sales at the time and did not take into account Sony's desperate price drop and multiple SKU tactics.

 Yes, you are right, and some Sony Defenders love to ignore that fact...

Don't forget about the 360 price cut and new SKU's!

Me: Even if you think you like me... You Don't! It's just that simple. I can be the bigger man and accept Xbox 360 may have some good games but screw their Hardware to HELL!!! F*** the RROD!!! Me: I'm not a fan boy :D. I just choose to hate everything Micro$oft and I love being immature! Can't wait to talk to you! Aesop: It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. Aesop: We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. Me: STFU... I'm eating tacos....... I reverse...... yea! Predictions for 2008 Coming Soon!!!


Soriku was 3 million off lmao!!!



I dont get it, I cant keep up my post count average has increased from 15 a day to 30 a day and soiku is destroying me.. this sucks Im never going to pass him.


Nanaki XII said:
FJ-Warez said:
llewdebkram said:
I guess the original prediction was based on price and sales at the time and did not take into account Sony's desperate price drop and multiple SKU tactics.

Yes, you are right, and some Sony Defenders love to ignore that fact...


Don't forget about the 360 price cut and new SKU's!

We are talking about our predictions for the PS3 and the price cuts for the PS3, why did you bring the 360?

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
FJ-Warez said:
Nanaki XII said:
FJ-Warez said:
llewdebkram said:
I guess the original prediction was based on price and sales at the time and did not take into account Sony's desperate price drop and multiple SKU tactics.

Yes, you are right, and some Sony Defenders love to ignore that fact...


Don't forget about the 360 price cut and new SKU's!

We are talking about our predictions for the PS3 and the price cuts for the PS3, why did you bring the 360?

Because it effect the ps3 sales.....duh.