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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ratchet and Clank is pulling a Splinter Cell.

ssj12 said:
Kantor said:
Munkeh111 said:
Let's just wait and see what happens. The Ratchet is missing storyline did lead to Quest for Booty, which I though was rather good, as it focused more on the platforming elements


Compared to the rest of the series, Quest for Booty is a letdown.

And story isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's a very good thing. However, in a spontaneous game like Ratchet and Clank, carrying stories over from game to game does not work. Especially when that story involves Clank not being there. Both of the worst critically acclaimed Ratchet and Clank games lacked the robot.

In a game like Resistance or God of War, a permanent story is necessary, to add to the tension. In a relaxing game like Ratchet and Clank, a story shold begin and end within the game, with a few features (like Captain Qwark) returning.


a game that is 4 hours long that focuses on gameplay and story is a let down.... what?

Well it got horrible reviews so I admit I haven't actually shelled out 15 bucks for it.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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papflesje said:
So a lack of storyline actually is GOOD for you?... Go figure...

Some games don't benefit from a continuing storyline that affects the gameplay.

Have we forgotten about the biggest platformer around, Mario? He does just fine without one.

c0rd said:
papflesje said:
So a lack of storyline actually is GOOD for you?... Go figure...

Some games don't benefit from a continuing storyline that affects the gameplay.

Have we forgotten about the biggest platformer around, Mario? He does just fine without one.

Mario games never had good stories so that makes sense.


tools of destruction was pretty good, dont know about quest for booty.





deathgod33 said:
tools of destruction was pretty good, dont know about quest for booty.

Tools of Destruction was awesome only because it tried something new while keeping the R&C formula. But the lack of multiplayer was a letdown for me.

Just like Double Agent was decent, TOD is very good. However, I have doubts about both Conviction and the next R&CF. I'll still buy the next Ratchet and Clank, though.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Kantor said:
deathgod33 said:
tools of destruction was pretty good, dont know about quest for booty.

Tools of Destruction was awesome only because it tried something new while keeping the R&C formula. But the lack of multiplayer was a letdown for me.

Just like Double Agent was decent, TOD is very good. However, I have doubts about both Conviction and the next R&CF. I'll still buy the next Ratchet and Clank, though.

If Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Gears of War, Resistance, and Xenosaga can have stories spanning mutiple games, then I don't see why Splinter Cell and R&C couldn't.


I personally loved the story in R&CF. and yes, I did play all of the PS2 and PSP Ratchet games; I'm probably one of the biggest fans of the series out there. While I loved the old stories of Hey Ratchet, there's this big evil jerk who's trying to dominate the world! Go kill him! I think that the new story was also very good, though they should have used Tachyon more...

Spoliers!!!! It's okay to read if you've played through Quest for Booty, though. If not, this could really spoil it for you, so seriously, don't read it.

Anyway, with my favorite bad guy, Dr. Nefarious, returning, I think the next R&C game is going to easily run away with the title of my favorite Ratchet game.

I loved Tools of destruction, and like quest for booty more because of its storyline and its focus on platforming.


insomniac17 said:

I personally loved the story in R&CF. and yes, I did play all of the PS2 and PSP Ratchet games; I'm probably one of the biggest fans of the series out there. While I loved the old stories of Hey Ratchet, there's this big evil jerk who's trying to dominate the world! Go kill him! I think that the new story was also very good, though they should have used Tachyon more...

Spoliers!!!! It's okay to read if you've played through Quest for Booty, though. If not, this could really spoil it for you, so seriously, don't read it.

Anyway, with my favorite bad guy, Dr. Nefarious, returning, I think the next R&C game is going to easily run away with the title of my favorite Ratchet game.

Well, I never intend to play through Quest for Booty, so AWESOME! HE'S LIKE THE GREATEST VILLAIN OF ALL TIME!

Well anyway, God of War, MGS and Halo are all very mature and serious games. They are driven a lot by story. Ratchet and Clank is not.

Think of TV. Heroes is a serious TV show which needs a fixed story. The Simpsons is a comedy, and very informal. No story really ever lasts more than two episodes.

You would think Splinter Cell would fall into the Heroes category, but it's really somewhere in between. Story was never a big part of it, but it was hardly light-hearted. And this particular story arc is ridiculous: Sam Fisher on the run? Who the hell plays Splinter Cell to be on the run?

There should be recurring themes in Ratchet and Clank, like Dr. Nefarious. I would also have loved to see the Starship Phoenix again. I really thought that Tools of Destruction's story was amazing, until the lousy cliffhanger ending. And they could at least have wrapped that up in Quest for Booty and had Clank back to take on *insert villain here* again.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Barozi said:
Kantor said:

Ratchet and Clank is one of my favourite video game series. So was Splinter Cell, once.

Now, Ratchet and Clank Future seems to be distancing itself from the earlier games somewhat, with this new "Clank's gone missing" story arc. This is basically adding a whole bunch of unnecessary continuity to the whole thing.

Splinter Cell did something similar. It tried to break the formula of the old games which everybody loved and brought us Double Agent. Which nobody liked. Guess what they did. That's right, they're making a sequel with the same story arc.

The key difference is that Tools of Destruction was very good (ignoring the lack of multiplayer). But I really hope that the next R&CF doesn't become like Splinter Cell: Conviction.

Please, Insomniac, once you're done with Resistance 2, dump this horrible storyline and go back to the wonderful PS2 days, where there was little to no continuity and the plot of every game involved killing a megalomaniac alien. Please. Everybody loved Ratchet and Clank in those days. I want to be a loyal fan, please don't stop me being one.

Uhm what ? From what I've heard everybody loves that game. (And so do I)

Ummm... no. DA basicly ruined the entire SC series for me. Untill DA I actually thaught that SC was a better stealth game then MGS... but then came the horrible 4th game :(


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