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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guys, are you proud of your gaming skills? Maybe you shouldn't be...

Dutch participants? There's your problem.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz
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appolose said:
Dutch participants? There's your problem.



A panel of 10 000 travel-experienced women from 50 different countries have
voted on the travelling portal in what countries the worst lovers
are found - and the best.

German men are the world's worst lovers. This is at least the result of a
vote among 10 000 travelling women, who consider them occupied with

The second are swedish men. They are too quick.

The third rang goes to dutch men for being too raw. And american men are
[also?] placed on the third rang, for being too dominant.

Welsh men are being characterised as being 'too flabby'. And scots, those
with the bagpipe and the kilt, end up on the fifth, because they are too

Englishmen secure themselves a 10th rang. They are too thick. Turkish men
are too sweet [?!?!?], greek men smell and russian men are too hairy.

So which ones are the best? It's the italians, actually. Closely followed by
the french, irish, south africans, australians, spanish men, danish men, men
from New Zealand, Brasil and Canada.

lolita said:
I find this thread quite amusing...



C'mon, how hard is it to apply all that manual dexterity in bed?

Just think of it as a game... maybe pinball. Try to keep your ball in play and shoot as many high-point targets as you can without shaking the table too much. Get as many jackpots as you can so you can beat your high score.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

noname2200 said:
konnichiwa said:
Nevar heard my gf and ex-gf complain

There might be a couple of reasons for that...


Don't care if they fake it or not, as long as i get what i came for, we're good.

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This will probably be on Manswers

bbsin said:
noname2200 said:
konnichiwa said:
Nevar heard my gf and ex-gf complain

There might be a couple of reasons for that...


Don't care if they fake it or not, as long as i get what i came for, we're good.


Este es mi muchacho. This is an alpha male right here. This one knows what sex is about. This is my boy!!!

famousringo said:
C'mon, how hard is it to apply all that manual dexterity in bed?

Just think of it as a game... maybe pinball. Try to keep your ball in play and shoot as many high-point targets as you can without shaking the table too much. Get as many jackpots as you can so you can beat your high score.

I always thought of it as a game of Tetris myself: Rack up the maximum number of points while staying alive as long as you can. Massive combos are harder and riskier to pull off, but lead to greater rewards, but there's nothing necessarily wrong with settling for quick, consecutive strikes. Let things pile up too much and you're out. The game speeds up as you go along, and no matter how good you are it inevitably comes to an end.

Oh, and it's a timeless classic that you want to revisit again and again, no matter how many times you've played.


noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
C'mon, how hard is it to apply all that manual dexterity in bed?

Just think of it as a game... maybe pinball. Try to keep your ball in play and shoot as many high-point targets as you can without shaking the table too much. Get as many jackpots as you can so you can beat your high score.

I always thought of it as a game of Tetris myself: Rack up the maximum number of points while staying alive as long as you can. Massive combos are harder and riskier to pull off, but lead to greater rewards, but there's nothing necessarily wrong with settling for quick, consecutive strikes. Let things pile up too much and you're out. The game speeds up as you go along, and no matter how good you are it inevitably comes to an end.

Oh, and it's a timeless classic that you want to revisit again and again, no matter how many times you've played.


This sounds as you are a fan of the kinky stuff like strangle sex.


noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
C'mon, how hard is it to apply all that manual dexterity in bed?

Just think of it as a game... maybe pinball. Try to keep your ball in play and shoot as many high-point targets as you can without shaking the table too much. Get as many jackpots as you can so you can beat your high score.

I always thought of it as a game of Tetris myself: Rack up the maximum number of points while staying alive as long as you can. Massive combos are harder and riskier to pull off, but lead to greater rewards, but there's nothing necessarily wrong with settling for quick, consecutive strikes. Let things pile up too much and you're out. The game speeds up as you go along, and no matter how good you are it inevitably comes to an end.

Oh, and it's a timeless classic that you want to revisit again and again, no matter how many times you've played.


This post is just so full of win... Wow... You know you're cool , right?