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PCs have better games in the RTS, FPS, RPG, and MMORPG category and you can control them far superior to any games on a console. Also I can't stand the low resolution of TVs (yes even high def ones) especially during split screen play. PC games are also cheaper and drop in price much faster than console games so it's more affordable for me.

I only upgrade computers about once each console generation or if I end up feeling like upgrading for some reason at some point. I'm still using my computer from 2004, yes I can play Crysis, and no I don't care about jacking the settings all the way up to max, the game still looks and plays great.

PC Gamer
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Cheebee said:

As for your last point, it doesn't matter what you prefer, it doesn't change the fact that a Wiimote-Nunchuk combo has many more input capabilities than a standard mouse + keyboard. *creeps into bombshelter, anticipating flaming*


I play PC primarily, but I also have a Wii, and enjoy it quite a bit. It does NOT have as many inputs as a kb/m. You can't count incremental movements, because it's too damn inaccurate and impractical to consider those separate inputs. You also have to consider what makes sense. What if you have vertical movement assigned to jumping, but also want vertical sword slicing? You shouldn't use a horizontal swing, that doesn't make sense. It's different with a keyboard since you have dozens of keys, with about 20 of them easily accessible at any time by the left hand.  I can assign crouch to Ctrl or C or Alt...whatever I want.  That's another great thing about PC games.  Don't like the current keyboard layout?  Nearly every game has full customization over controls...console games typically only have a few presets.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Dude, I was joking.

Still, I prefer a Wiimote.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


BringBackChrono said:
I might be flamed for this, but who else here believes that UT 2004(PC) had a much better multi-player than Halo 2?


100% agreed.  In fact a huge majority of PC FPS games have better multiplayer than the Halo games.

PC Gamer

There is no answer to this beyond personal preferences. I've yet to hear anything from any player to prove otherwise.

I've played consoles for as long as they were being made (pre-Atari 2600), but I also play PC and Mac games. I can configure and build my own hardware rigs, and I'm not a budget PC gamer, so it's easily the most expensive platform.

It boils down to the games or types of games a player likes, with some platforms being better geared for certain types of games.

RTS, MMORPG, FPS; all better suited for PCs and favor a keyboard/mouse control scheme.

TPS, action, platformer; generally favor a stick/pad layout.

Even then, it's still personal preference: TV/living room, or monitor/office-bed room.

Any PC can be moved to the living room to game, but unless you're also using the living room large screen display for general computing, it's not convenient to move that PC back and forth. Either way it's awkward. Use a special chair or table with a laptop or mouse pad/keyboard stand? Or are you going to put the keyboard on your lap and move the mouse on the couch? Wireless mouse and keyboard or are you sitting within 5 feet of your big screen display? Realistically, PCs simply work better at the desk.

Controller preference: if weaned on a keyboard and mouse, you probably can't play well with a controller and probably dislike consoles as a result.

Tried a FragFX controller for the PS3 and it didn't make a significant difference without re-learning the controls. If you can't play FPS games with a game pad; you're probably better off playing them on PCs.

Tried playing Tomb Raider Anniversary on PC with a mouse and keyboard which was a laughable experience. Game pad (360 compatible game +) was necessary.

Keyboard only provides digital (on/off) input only, which typically means one or two speeds: walk/move and alt/run. WASD movement input means either stepped right angle movement, or 45 degree WD, WA, SA, SD movement at best. Not ideal for many games.

If you have used a keyboard most of your gaming life, you won't notice, but if you've extensively used analog input, WASD input seems positively quaint by comparison.

Mouse aiming always beats right analog stick aiming; period.

Not all PC games support pads, or the specific pad you own since the closest thing to game pad standardization on Windows is the Xbox360 controller, which does NOT work with all games.

In the past six months, I switched from an 9600GT to a HD4870 to a HD4870x2 (which cost about as much as two consoles), which makes GPU intensive games run smoothly at high resolutions, but... even a liquid cooled Quad or Dual Core CPU OCed to 5Ghz with a pair of 4870x2s running in quad GPU Crossfire config won't run any of the console specific games that I've enjoyed this generation.

So either I fabricate a claim that if it's not on PC, it's not worth playing, or I acknowledge that even the best PC I can build at any price still can't play a very lengthy list of the games I've enjoyed immensely. For a lot less. Again, not talking budget builds, but builds with video cards that alone, cost more than any console.

Cross platform (PC/console), I've pretty much switched to PC versions, since with a decent build, they simply look and run better in addition to being cheaper due to proprietary console licensing fees.

Unfortunately, these games don't cover the whole field for me since my tastes are extremely diversified, which is why I play on six formats (seven with the Mac) to varying degrees.

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hmm, thats a good question.  i don't really are much about this topic.  i only asked to hear what people had to say.  i do prefer consoles but not for the reasons that i said in my first part.  that was just to try and get people talking. personally, i like pc games but i find them more frustrating than console.  as you can see though, a lot of people have answered and thats all i really wanted.  the question though, um i guess i won't.  i really don't care if people want to try and insult me and call mr an idiot because i dont' know anyone here.  besides, who cares if some prude feels like saying that i suck and should die.  for graphics, i know zero about it on pc's.  all i  know is thata lot of new games coming out can't play on my six months old computer and it kind of pisses me off.  respond if ya want or don't.  doesn't matter to me

i just don't want to have to buy a new graphics card.  i'd rather just have my console and not need to worry if i tcan run a game.  also, what was the point of your post? not to be rude, but its all little cluttered dude and a little hard to understand you.

mexitalrish said:

i just want to get one thing straight with gamers.  why is is that people who play pc say its so much better than consoles?  i've played on pc numerous times and all i can say is that consoles are easily my favorite to lay on for any game, especially shooters.  the mouse and keyboeard to me is just crap.  a console controller is meant for playing games ya know.  not to mention that i do not need an upgrade every three seconds so i can play my games.  later thing i want to do is buy a graphics card just because my computer isn't strong enough for the games after i only bought it six months ago.  its bullshit.  i could care less about the graphics, its all the same to me.  if you read this, tell me why you love the pc or consoles more.  also, just your opinion please, none of that i'm so retarded or is should suck a dick cause i'll  delete your post.  i only gave my thoughts and just want to know everyone else's.  i don't want to argue over the internet.  just don't be douchebag and it'll all be good

What? This is a joke, right!??!?!?!?

Man you know nothing about shooters if you think that gamepad is better them mouse+keyboard.


Respect his opinion. It's perfectly reasonable for someone to be used to a controller more than a keyboard and mouse. And it's also reasonable for someone to not want to have to upgrade their hardware, if they don't know a lot about it.

It's not my opinion, I agree kb/m is the best, but sometimes a controller is necessary, but of course you can use one on the PC. And you really don't have to upgrade often if you build a decent rig...but not everybody wants to build their own PC.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Basically what it comes down to is technical knowledge. For people that are very good with computers, they can keep their computers virus free and maintained with very little effort. They can also upgrade their PC at a low cost. PC does everything a console does (graphics, modding, online play, control) better. In fact, PC users have been using mods and playing online a long time before console players have. That is why PC owners are generally unimpressed with XBOX360 and PS3. As for control, the keyboard and mouse offers more buttons and better precision than console controllers. Valve agrees with me; Half-Life 2 for the XBOX360 will do a great deal of auto-aiming for you, even on hard mode. If anything, you can always buy an XBOX 360 controller and use it on your PC for the few games that should be played with it (Assasin's creed comes to mind).

Basically what it comes down to is technical knowledge. If you don't know how to upgrade and maintain a PC, you are better off using a Xbox 360 or PS3. Keep in mind that a lot of gaming analysts say that consoles will soon become specialized gaming PC's in one or two generations. Notice that I don't include the Wii. The Wii has gone in a different direction than XBOX360 and PS3. That is probably why a lot of PC gamers own a Wii.

You could argue that PC's do cost more than consoles, but you do get more value out of it. With mine, I use internet, balance finances, play movies on my LCD TV, program, and of course, play games. The internet I use for a variety of tasks.

Console owners may be annoyed that I basically said that they do not have the technical knowledge to be PC gamers. I am convinced, however, that if they had the technical knowledge that they would be PC gamers.