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Cheebee said:

As for your last point, it doesn't matter what you prefer, it doesn't change the fact that a Wiimote-Nunchuk combo has many more input capabilities than a standard mouse + keyboard. *creeps into bombshelter, anticipating flaming*


I play PC primarily, but I also have a Wii, and enjoy it quite a bit. It does NOT have as many inputs as a kb/m. You can't count incremental movements, because it's too damn inaccurate and impractical to consider those separate inputs. You also have to consider what makes sense. What if you have vertical movement assigned to jumping, but also want vertical sword slicing? You shouldn't use a horizontal swing, that doesn't make sense. It's different with a keyboard since you have dozens of keys, with about 20 of them easily accessible at any time by the left hand.  I can assign crouch to Ctrl or C or Alt...whatever I want.  That's another great thing about PC games.  Don't like the current keyboard layout?  Nearly every game has full customization over controls...console games typically only have a few presets.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )