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hmm, thats a good question.  i don't really are much about this topic.  i only asked to hear what people had to say.  i do prefer consoles but not for the reasons that i said in my first part.  that was just to try and get people talking. personally, i like pc games but i find them more frustrating than console.  as you can see though, a lot of people have answered and thats all i really wanted.  the question though, um i guess i won't.  i really don't care if people want to try and insult me and call mr an idiot because i dont' know anyone here.  besides, who cares if some prude feels like saying that i suck and should die.  for graphics, i know zero about it on pc's.  all i  know is thata lot of new games coming out can't play on my six months old computer and it kind of pisses me off.  respond if ya want or don't.  doesn't matter to me