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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima: Japanese game industry is in trouble

I think that is sarcasm but, the wii is at 33 million right now, half way through October. To get to 45 million Nintendo would have to ship all 2.whatever million consoles they produce each month and have 8 million stockpiled for the holidays. Unlikely. And then up production to 35 million a year, again, unlikely.

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Nintendo is making 2+ million a month correct? We are at 33 million right now. 2 months left. What do we get?

@cwbys21: 3 months left + all the Wii's they made hadn't been shipped. Just take a look at last years sales and stop talking crap...

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

3 months left? I can see why you would say that since the wii's being made right now won't be in stores for a while, but I am not talking crap. Nintendo sells wiis as fast as they can get to stores right now. Why would they hold back on making money now, to get the same amount of money later?

Interesting discussion you guys have going here. It's funny that Kojima is only now seeing this (when did he ever say this before?!), when some (most notably, but not exclusively, Nintendo) have been publically pointing this out since at least 2005. Was it the sales of his magnus opus that opened his eyes?

Of course, Kojima still picked a bad time to say this. I don't see the Japanese gaming market as really being all that much in trouble. The Wii and most especially the DS are making sure that's not the case (for now).

What Kojima fails to realize is that the Japanese gaming market is as healthy as it's ever been; it's just evolved a different set of rules and tastes. The same old stuff that's aimed at young males doesn't cut it there anymore (the fact that there are fewer and fewer young males probably has something to do with that). Games like Metal Gear, or even Mario Galaxy just don't have the same pull they used to. Not to say they're irrelevant, but where once those titles were the bread and butter of the industry, they've been overtaken by portable games and stuff like Wii Fit.

The few gaming companies that saw the writing on the wall are still doing quite well in Japan. The rest...not so much.

Of course, Kojima may have been referring to the nebulous "mindshare." Even then, though, he'd be wrong. Plenty of Japanese developers still have plenty of pull throughout the world. Capcom's as big as it's ever been, the dinosaur that is Square-Enix proves that inertia can indeed get you far, and Nintendo....well, we all know about Nintendo.

Perhaps though he's looking at the rising competition in the West from Western developers. If that's the case, why is he surprised? The West was relatively barren on the gaming front for years after Atari's crash, with few Western companies having the resources or expertise of their Japanese counterparts. But where there's money to be made, such a vacuum rarely lasts long.

Long story short: I don't get it. Are we examining the same gaming market? I suspect not...

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Release games on Platform with a better focus on the target audience.
Localize properly
Closer Global Releases
Better advertising

Expensive upfront, but it should help sales quite well if they can do these right.

Just my opinion.

4 ≈ One

Soriku said:
konnichiwa said:
Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:
I will say this again....JRPG's wise

NO-ONE will know how to make one that sells to the mass.....& none of them will sell decently till

Final Fantasy XIII comes out

that will be a catalyst to the JRPG Soriku don't be so sure all the support will just go the wii way suddenly.

As for the rest of japanese development....I dunno


lol when is FF XIII coming out anyway? Like Q3-Q4 2009? Seriously. Devs aren't going to hold off that long, and the Wii will be nearing like 80 mil WW sales. Whose to say they won't move quickly?

Because you are positive let me do a pessimistic view:

- They prefer to make a game for DS/PSP lower cost and they have a nice userbase aswell.
- They already worked on a HD console project like the guy from DMC who is working now at Bayonetta for PS3/X360 the guys from Tecmo/Enchanted Arms.
-  They need money to make those games and MS and Sony are companies who like to pay money for games while Nintendo don't (If I was Nintendo I would not do it aswell).

And I think Darth better named WKC;  I think that could move some units and open the eyes of some devs I think and who knows what LBP will do?

And about WW sales  Nintendo is going to sell more Wii units next year than they did the first two years together? Well who knows but I think J-devs don't really care that much though about WW sales...  I mean look to the PSP when it was doing good in Europe and NA (HW wise) and not that great in Japan their were not that many announcements of games on the PSP from J-devs..But after the sales rised after MH (and dropped in the rest of the world or that is what I read whole the time on this forum 'PSP is going to die') their are like a ton of new J-games announced for PSP.



-The DS and PSP won't hog all their time. What do you think DS and PSP game profit is used for? Even more games - for consoles and other handheld games. No idea bro.  One year? Two years, three years? And we have no idea yet where they will use the money on right now do we?  

-Many worked on HD consoles, but who says they don't want to work on the Wii? I am not saying that they don't want to work on the Wii but some devs like the guy from DMC had great sales on X360 and PS3 , why work on a Wii game when you already had great sales on the HD consoles and have a fanbase for sure? And he is not the only one.

-Moneyhats? That's bull. The industry and and the companies have to survive on profit, not some cheap ass money they get from moneyhats. It doesn't work that way. If companies can only rely on moneyhats...God help them.  I am pretty sure that they guy from No more heroes (SUDA?) could use it though. I am pretty sure a lot of them would like the money though;..Just look how many already liked it and made a JRPG for X360.  

By the end of the year the Wii will be at 44-46 mil. Nintendo should ship more units so yes, they should be nearing 80 mil. Not quite there, but somewhere in the mid-high 70s. The Wii is getting bigger and bigger after all. Yeah you are right and I believe ya but it is just very optimistic in my opinion.

The PSP got more announcements but did that refrain from the DS getting a whole lot more? No. Same situation here. The PS3 will always get some announcements (though Japan HD announcements have shrunk considerably) but the Wii will get a whole lot more. Do you have a list or something?  I really have no idea what HD games got announced last year and this year. The only games I know off that are from this year are:

- The platinum X360-PS3 project (or isthat Bayonetta?).
- Bayonetta (skip this if this is from Platinum).
-Tekken 6 bloodline
- Castlevania
- A konami game (forgot the name they showed a guy sitting in a temple and then a part of the temple get crushed by a big troll).
- The game from the Enchanted Arms dudes.
- A game from Tecmo.
- Gundam warriors 2
- Dynasty Warriors 6 empires

And I missed probably a lot of others hopefully you have a list.

But yeah it is possible that the announcements got schrunked considering a lot of them are still working on some huge project.  FFXIII, FFVXIII, WKC,RE5,SFIV etc..

Pyuu~  took me some time ~°(^_^)°~.


Yea... good idea for japanese developers to make games on a console foreign to Japanese markets... JRPG on X360 where X360 has so little precense in Japan??? Japanese made RPG has traditionally sold more or about the same in Japan by itself compare to WW sales...

I agree with Soriku's statement about JRPG being misplaced on consoles. Putting it on the Wii is fine and all, but it really have to depend on what kind of RPG they are going for though. For the main stream stuff like Tales, Wii would probably be the best bet, for high end stuff like FF, WKC, Infinte Undiscovery, etc which one of its major selling points are graphic should put on the second strongest Japan console.

Soriku said:
Eh...none of those games you listed are notable enough. Except Quantum Theory which is a TPS. The Japanese devs on the HD consoles try too hard to make their games Westernized.

The Wii is getting so big it's not even funny. We can expect games for the HD consoles too from the Japanese devs just like the PSP is, but the majority will migrate to the Wii just like the DS. The Wii is getting too hard to resist for more and more devs.


 Euhm what ?  That almost sounds as an lame excuse sorry for that, but you said that HD announcements from Japan are schrinking? You are normally an user who always say something that sounds reasonable and check things before you say something.  I really have no feeling that they announced more HD Japan games last year than this year.  I even think that last year we only got footage/screenshots/information about games that have to release this year or still have to be released in the future.  So again do you have a list or something like that? Any proof that JAPAN HD announcements are schrinking?

And so what if those feel so western?  Isn't Madworld also very Western?

Mad World is no more Western than No More Heroes. Probably less so.