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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima: Japanese game industry is in trouble

Oh man I didn't realize he left out Capcom


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why didn't anyone believe nintendo when they said the gaming industry was shrinking?

T.T...ignorant he has to pay ^_^

Onyxmeth said:
markers said:
why is everyone saying mgs4 sold bad? it has sold relatively well giving the ps3 install base. and not only that it has shown very impressive legs, i wouldnt be suprised if it surpases mgs and mgs2 (given ps3 gets more users, pick up mgs4. and given mgs4 will hit platinium or w/e)

This was me who brought it up. I didn't say it sold bad. What I said was that it was the PS3's hardware sales that caused the dip in sales, when I said Kojima bet on the wrong horse. He expected more out of Sony and didn't get it. As for your prediction of 6 million + for MGS4, that is one BOLD prediction. I just don't see the game having those kinds of legs.



 yeah i didnt know who/ what started it just saw alot of mgs4 posts. but yeah i agree what you state, he bet on the wrong horse but then again we have seen games get a huge boost in its latter years. so maybe his horse will pull ahead in turn 4. my prediciton may be bold but i still believe it to be true. new ps3 owners (after this holidays probably atleast 4+ mil new ps3 owners) might want to try out some mgs4 awesomeness.

Khuutra said:
Bodhesatva said:
Khuutra said:
Bodhesatva said:

What angle is he looking at this from? I've been looking at financials quite a bit, and here is what seems to be the case as of the last few quarters:

Activision and Ubisoft are making money, but Midway, SCi/Eidos, InfoGrames, Microsoft Game Studios, and Electronic Arts are losing money. Electronic Arts in particular is bleeding money out their ears.

Konami, Capcom, SquareEnix, NamcoBandai and Nintendo are making money, while SegaSammy and Sony are losing. Nintendo in particular is making enormous amounts of money.

It appears to me that the major Japanese publishers are significantly more profitable than the Western ones. What metric is he using here?


Worldwide mindshare.


Uh, okay. Tell you what: let's let Konami/Capcom/Square/Nintendo make the profits, and let's let Electronic Arts/Microsoft/Midway have the "mindshare," and we'll see who wins in the end.

I think Mr. Kojima and I just have different metrics. He's a game designer, I'm a (casual) analyst of the industry from an economic perspective. There is no way one can substantively gauge "mindshare," but I can tell you -- with actual empirical data -- that Japanese developers are making laughing stocks of Western developers from a fiscal perspective. It was last generation when major western publishers like Electronic Arts, Midway and Take 2 were making big money, and they're now all deep in the red (although T2 did have a single very profitable quarter recently, when GTA4 was launched).



Right...but isn't that exactly why it's reasonable to assume he's talking about mindshare, and importance in the industry as a whole? He can't be talking about fiscal problems unless he discounts Nintendo, and even then it's a stretch.

I don't see how my explanation of his angle is unreasonable.


I don't think you understand: I'm agreeing with your interpretation. I'm just saying "mindshare" -- an entirely nebulous and unmeasurable term -- is nearly irrelevant compared to profits. As I said, if Japanese developers continue to get the profits while Western ones continue to get the "mindshare," Japanese developers will eventually overpower them. It's the reverse of last generation, when it was Western developers reaping enormous profits. That's how Electronic Arts got so huge: not by making amazing, influential games, but by making more money than anyone else and buying the other people up.

Kojima's looking at this from a developer's perspective, not from an economic one. Of course, we all know that business is more improtant than creative influence. That is my point.">">

Thats wrong Nintendo is making more money than EVER

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Ah, yes, I did misunderstand, my sincere apologies.

Kojima is not a businessman; he is an auteur. "Mindshare" may be nebulous and immeasurable, but it is still very real, and he's watching consumer tastes slowly move away from Japanese games. His concern is probably more of a cultural one than a financial one. Does it make sense? No, not if you're a business - but Kojima considers himself an artist first, with everything that that self-distinction implies.

And, again, I don't think he's counting Nintendo.

Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:
I will say this again....JRPG's wise

NO-ONE will know how to make one that sells to the mass.....& none of them will sell decently till

Final Fantasy XIII comes out

that will be a catalyst to the JRPG Soriku don't be so sure all the support will just go the wii way suddenly.

As for the rest of japanese development....I dunno


lol when is FF XIII coming out anyway? Like Q3-Q4 2009? Seriously. Devs aren't going to hold off that long, and the Wii will be nearing like 80 mil WW sales. Whose to say they won't move quickly?

Because you are positive let me do a pessimistic view:

- They prefer to make a game for DS/PSP lower cost and they have a nice userbase aswell.
- They already worked on a HD console project like the guy from DMC who is working now at Bayonetta for PS3/X360 the guys from Tecmo/Enchanted Arms.
-  They need money to make those games and MS and Sony are companies who like to pay money for games while Nintendo don't (If I was Nintendo I would not do it aswell).

And I think Darth better named WKC;  I think that could move some units and open the eyes of some devs I think and who knows what LBP will do?

And about WW sales  Nintendo is going to sell more Wii units next year than they did the first two years together? Well who knows but I think J-devs don't really care that much though about WW sales...  I mean look to the PSP when it was doing good in Europe and NA (HW wise) and not that great in Japan their were not that many announcements of games on the PSP from J-devs..But after the sales rised after MH (and dropped in the rest of the world or that is what I read whole the time on this forum 'PSP is going to die') their are like a ton of new J-games announced for PSP.


RolStoppable said:
Nintendo doesn't count because they are in a different market, a lot of people seem to forget this all the time.

Oh Sorry my bad


Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:
I will say this again....JRPG's wise

NO-ONE will know how to make one that sells to the mass.....& none of them will sell decently till

Final Fantasy XIII comes out

that will be a catalyst to the JRPG Soriku don't be so sure all the support will just go the wii way suddenly.

As for the rest of japanese development....I dunno


lol when is FF XIII coming out anyway? Like Q3-Q4 2009? Seriously. Devs aren't going to hold off that long, and the Wii will be nearing like 80 mil WW sales. Whose to say they won't move quickly?

so you think that the wii is going to sell 50 million units in the next 12 months?  we already guessed you where crazy, I think this now confirms it.


If so, then Kojima is part of the problem - catering exclusively to the "hardcore" with a bunch of flashy, talky junk that nobody outside of an admittedly sizable cadre of pretentious fanboys cares about.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom