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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which is the best console to buy gh:wt for?

Now that I've figured out what GH:WT is, I'd say PS3. The downloadable content will be awesome (The God of War 2 theme was on GH3) the graphics are the best of the four, the wii generally sucks and the PC versions of GH are never good.

Really, it's down to PS360, and I'd personally go for PS3 (not that I would get this game because I have GH3 and there are just TOO MANY good games coming out in the next three months)

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Just to be clear on the facts:

Kantor said:
The downloadable content will be awesome (The God of War 2 theme was on GH3)

The 360, Wii, & PS3 all have DLC but the PS2 version does not. But you correct that the DLC will be awesome

Kantor said:
 The graphics are the best of the four

If graphics matter to you then the PS3 or 360 are your version of choice...but its GH so they really don't matter unless its as the 9th tie breaker. Also there is truly no discernible difference between the 360 and PS3 versions anyways =P

Kantor said:
The wii generally sucks and the PC versions of GH are never good.

First, unsubstantiated console bashing is a no-no here, and even substantiated console bashing has to be in the correct thread (hint: this isn't one of those threads), and second there is no announced PC version of World Tour anyways =P

And just to restate this again for good measure:  The best way to choose which version of GH:WT you buy is to find out what version your friends are getting and coordinate with them. 



To Each Man, Responsibility

Ps3, without esitation.

10 reasons...

1. Sony product.
2. 8 processor.
3. blu-ray suport.
4. nice hard drice.
5. look great.
6. free internet acces.
7. sixaxis,
8. biggest variety of game and exclusive game.
9. PSP compatible
10. HDMI compatible

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


I'd just get the system that has other games you're interested in.

Well, the PS3 version has the best song editor allowing you to insert you own midis for all parts of the band whereas the 360 version only lets you do drums.

So the HD versions have a song maker whereas the Wii version has a Freestyle mode. Take your pick.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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360 PS3 of course =P. And if you dont have a system and you want to buy one for this game i would have to say 360 becuase its cheaper

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Personally I think the PS360 version are the better buy here for the simple fact that you can use the WT instruments to play Rockband 2 as well. This is not possible on the Wii due to Harmonix making a shit port of the PS2 version instead of using the wii remotes like Activision did.

MIDI Sequencers and Free-style modes are only going to appeal to a very small segment of the market the real meat is how many songs you can play for the least amount of money. In order to play all available music genre songs on the Wii you need to buy both games with their respective instruments plus the rockband track pack and a Rockband 2 disc. That's 440 dollars plus tax! (160+200+30+50). On

PS360 you only need to buy one game with its instruments and the disc/discs for the other.
Cost of buying RB Instruments PS360- (160+60+60=280)
Cost of buying GH:WT instruments (200+60+60=320)

Even if you spend the 320 on GH:WT you still have over 120 dollars you can spend on DLC. People are actually trying tell me it's cheaper to buy the Wii version.

EDIT: I noticed that I didn't count Rockband 1 in the final price for the PS360. The reason for this is that you can rent Rockband 1 and pay 5.00 to port over the entire RB 1 library, therefore you don't actually have to buy the first game. Since the Wii has no DLC for RB I assume that this is not possible on the Wii version of RB2

360, i think it also has some exclusive songs plus there are more people to play online with

MontanaHatchet said:
exnoctem said:
Well, the Wii is the cheaper version with all the same features as the other... So it pretty much looks like this one is a wash. It all should come down on which systems you own.

Im gonna say Wii due to the cheaper price point... But most likely all games will be equal otherwise.

All the same features? What about trophies/achievements? Does it have online up to par with the HD consoles? As for price, I'm not sure what you're referring to. It could be the Band Kit, Guitar Kit, standalone game, etc. If you're talking about just buying the game in disc form, it's 10 dollars cheaper, and millions of people have shown that cost matters very little when it comes to music based games.



PS3 version doesn't have trophies.

And if you don't already have XBOX Live Gold, that would be an additional cost for the 360 version if you plan to play online.

Rasone has a very good point about the instruments on the HD versions of RB2 and World Tour will work for both games, either way, but not on the Wii. If you plan to get Rock Band later, it'd make sense to get one of the HD versions to avoid buying a second set of instruments.

mamboula said:
Ps3, without esitation.

10 reasons...

1. Sony product.
2. 8 processor.
3. blu-ray suport.
4. nice hard drice.
5. look great.
6. free internet acces.
7. sixaxis,
8. biggest variety of game and exclusive game.
9. PSP compatible
10. HDMI compatible


Theyre talking about the game, not the console. These points are irrelevant to the topic.