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Just to be clear on the facts:

Kantor said:
The downloadable content will be awesome (The God of War 2 theme was on GH3)

The 360, Wii, & PS3 all have DLC but the PS2 version does not. But you correct that the DLC will be awesome

Kantor said:
 The graphics are the best of the four

If graphics matter to you then the PS3 or 360 are your version of choice...but its GH so they really don't matter unless its as the 9th tie breaker. Also there is truly no discernible difference between the 360 and PS3 versions anyways =P

Kantor said:
The wii generally sucks and the PC versions of GH are never good.

First, unsubstantiated console bashing is a no-no here, and even substantiated console bashing has to be in the correct thread (hint: this isn't one of those threads), and second there is no announced PC version of World Tour anyways =P

And just to restate this again for good measure:  The best way to choose which version of GH:WT you buy is to find out what version your friends are getting and coordinate with them. 



To Each Man, Responsibility