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Personally I think the PS360 version are the better buy here for the simple fact that you can use the WT instruments to play Rockband 2 as well. This is not possible on the Wii due to Harmonix making a shit port of the PS2 version instead of using the wii remotes like Activision did.

MIDI Sequencers and Free-style modes are only going to appeal to a very small segment of the market the real meat is how many songs you can play for the least amount of money. In order to play all available music genre songs on the Wii you need to buy both games with their respective instruments plus the rockband track pack and a Rockband 2 disc. That's 440 dollars plus tax! (160+200+30+50). On

PS360 you only need to buy one game with its instruments and the disc/discs for the other.
Cost of buying RB Instruments PS360- (160+60+60=280)
Cost of buying GH:WT instruments (200+60+60=320)

Even if you spend the 320 on GH:WT you still have over 120 dollars you can spend on DLC. People are actually trying tell me it's cheaper to buy the Wii version.

EDIT: I noticed that I didn't count Rockband 1 in the final price for the PS360. The reason for this is that you can rent Rockband 1 and pay 5.00 to port over the entire RB 1 library, therefore you don't actually have to buy the first game. Since the Wii has no DLC for RB I assume that this is not possible on the Wii version of RB2