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Forums - Website Topics - Why do we make big threads?

I don't feel like reading...

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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i don't read long posts, so i am gonna assume you insulted me

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
Grey Acumen said:

yeah, this is a website about video game consoles, their games, and sales of both. When someone posts a well thought out, 12 page dissertation about a console and its sales, I'll read it because that's what this f***ing site is ABOUT, not a god d*** russian war!

What he said.

SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
Wii:4027-0084-9432-1532             PM me if you add me.
Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"

I see your long pointless post and raise you another!

I kept my silence when Mr. Batman announced he wanted to pit people against each other. I did nothing when he tried to steal the fruits of other people's labor. But his latest pleas are the straw that breaks the camel's back. As this letter will make clear, he has declared that he's staging a revolt against everyone who dares to act honorably. Batman's revolting all right; the very sight of him turns my stomach. All kidding aside, his victims have been speaking out for years. Unfortunately, their voices have long been silenced by the roar and thunder of Batman's subordinates, who loudly proclaim that granting Batman complete control over our lives is as important as breathing air. Regardless of those petulant proclamations, the truth is that he keeps telling us that people prefer "cultural integrity" and "multicultural sensitivity" to health, food, safety, and the opportunity to choose their own course through life. Are we also supposed to believe that poxy, shiftless fault-finders are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes? I didn't think so.

I want to give our young people the values that will inspire them to point out the glaring contradiction between Batman's idealized view of Trotskyism and reality. But first, let me pose an abstract question. Why can't Batman relieve his aching sense of inadequacy without having to allow federally funded research to mushroom into a stroppy, grossly inefficient system, hampered by vitriolic purveyors of malice and hatred and conniving bloodsuckers? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that he wants us to emulate the White Queen from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, who strives to believe "as many as six impossible things before breakfast". Then again, even the White Queen would have trouble believing that there should be publicly financed centers of libertinism. I prefer to believe things that my experience tells me are true, such as that Batman has repeatedly been spotted giving rise to amoral evildoers. When questioned about that, he either denies any knowledge of it or offers unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only an abysmal card shark could believe.

Batman recently got caught red-handed trying to erase the memory of all traditions and all history. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. I don't know what sort of abuse he was subjected to as a child that made him such a cocky sewer rat but I do know that inasmuch as I disagree with Batman's accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet Batman's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. What we're involved in with Batman is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it.

This march into cranky absenteeism is not happening by mere chance. It is not, as many jejune misogynists insist, the result of the natural, inevitable course of things. It is happening as a direct result of Batman's scary codices. Now, I hope Batman was joking when he implied he was going to give an air of scientific impartiality to biased judgments, but it sure didn't sound like it.

While some of Batman's holier-than-thou attitudes are very attractive on the surface and are undeniably entertaining, they ultimately serve to mobilize support for the special interests that dominate state and private activity. I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that an armed revolt against Batman is morally justified. However, I believe that it is not yet strategically justified. The last time I told his foot soldiers that I want to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of him and his flighty witticisms they declared in response, "But society is supposed to be lenient towards primitive mafia dons." Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant. Batman is an opportunist. That is, he is an ideological chameleon, without any real morality, without a soul.

If anything, difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. The manipulative defeatism I've been writing about is not primarily the fault of cankered, illiberal troublemakers, nor of the cuckoo ratbags who place our children at imminent risk of serious harm. It is the fault of Batman. I want to see all of us working together to act as a positive role model for younger people. Yes, this is an idealistic approach to actualizing our restorative goals. Nevertheless, you should realize that Batman's factotums have decided, behind closed doors and in closed sessions, to woo over inerudite malefactors by using tactics such as scapegoating, reductionist and simplistic solutions, demagoguery, and a conspiracy theory of history. But I digress. Batman used to complain about being persecuted. Now he is our primary persecutor. This reversal of roles reminds me that I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Batman's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now.

I hereby publicly condemn Batman's deranged exegeses. In doing so, I publicly proclaim that we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but if he is victorious in his quest to trade fundamental human rights for a cheap "guarantee" of safety and security, then his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity. Pauperism has served as the justification for the butchering, torture, and enslavement of more people than any other "ism". That's why it's Batman's favorite; it makes it easy for him to usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times. This may be a foregone conclusion, but Batman does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent.

In a broad-brush sense, if I were to compile a list of Batman's forays into espionage, sabotage, and subversion, it would fill an entire page and perhaps even run over onto the following one. Such a list would surely make every sane person who has passed the age of six realize that Batman's causing all sorts of problems for us. We must grasp these problems with both hands and deal with them in a forthright way. Just because I understand Batman's notions doesn't mean I agree with them. If we do nothing, Batman will keep on increasing society's cycle of hostility and violence. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity.

Batman once heard a bloody-minded petty-type say, "'The truth', 'the whole truth', and 'nothing but the truth' are three different things." What's amazing is that Batman was then able to use that quotation plus some anecdotal evidence to convince his buddies that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance, which makes me wonder, "What sort of severe tunnel vision has led him to suspect that his demands prevent smallpox?" He doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; he wants to ensure you don't find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts. He may not have a monopoly on the perpetuation of demagogism but if he succeeds in his attempt to require schoolchildren to be taught that his way of life is correct and everyone else's isn't, it'll have to be over my dead body. His shock troops say that nothing would help society more than for them to generate an epidemic of corruption and social unrest. Sorry, I don't buy that.

The real question here is not, "Why does Batman have to be such a party pooper?". The real question is rather, "Has Batman ever considered what would happen if a small fraction of his time spent trying to equip the most inane primates you'll ever see with flame throwers, hand grenades, and heat-seeking missiles was instead spent on something productive?" One might as well ask, "Which of the seven deadly sins -- pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust -- does he not commit on a daily basis?" I don't pretend to know the answer but I do know that our battle with him is a battle between spiritualism and wowserism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that by allowing Batman to overthrow western civilization through the destruction of its four pillars -- family, nation, religion, and democracy -- we are selling our souls for dross. Instead, we should be striving to replace today's chaos and lack of vision with order and a supreme sense of purpose. Batman knows perfectly well that his disreputable past resonates in his current stratagems. Now, I could go off on that point alone, but on the issue of exclusivism, he is wrong again. Sure, the hysteria and witch-hunts fueled by Batman's refrains will put the prisoners in charge of running the prison within a short period of time. But he is totally versipellous. When Batman's among plebeians, he warms the cockles of their hearts by remonstrating against oligarchism. But when he's safely surrounded by his lackeys, Batman instructs them to nourish reckless ideologies. That type of cunning two-sidedness tells us that when Batman says that the majority of misguided ignoramuses are heroes, if not saints, that's just a load of spucatum tauri. Let us now supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into Bonapartism because in that is our only hope for the future.

twesterm said:
I see your long pointless post and raise you another!

I kept my silence when Mr. Batman announced he wanted to pit people against each other. I did nothing when he tried to steal the fruits of other people's labor. But his latest pleas are the straw that breaks the camel's back. As this letter will make clear, he has declared that he's staging a revolt against everyone who dares to act honorably. Batman's revolting all right; the very sight of him turns my stomach. All kidding aside, his victims have been speaking out for years. Unfortunately, their voices have long been silenced by the roar and thunder of Batman's subordinates, who loudly proclaim that granting Batman complete control over our lives is as important as breathing air. Regardless of those petulant proclamations, the truth is that he keeps telling us that people prefer "cultural integrity" and "multicultural sensitivity" to health, food, safety, and the opportunity to choose their own course through life. Are we also supposed to believe that poxy, shiftless fault-finders are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes? I didn't think so.

I want to give our young people the values that will inspire them to point out the glaring contradiction between Batman's idealized view of Trotskyism and reality. But first, let me pose an abstract question. Why can't Batman relieve his aching sense of inadequacy without having to allow federally funded research to mushroom into a stroppy, grossly inefficient system, hampered by vitriolic purveyors of malice and hatred and conniving bloodsuckers? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that he wants us to emulate the White Queen from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, who strives to believe "as many as six impossible things before breakfast". Then again, even the White Queen would have trouble believing that there should be publicly financed centers of libertinism. I prefer to believe things that my experience tells me are true, such as that Batman has repeatedly been spotted giving rise to amoral evildoers. When questioned about that, he either denies any knowledge of it or offers unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only an abysmal card shark could believe.

Batman recently got caught red-handed trying to erase the memory of all traditions and all history. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. I don't know what sort of abuse he was subjected to as a child that made him such a cocky sewer rat but I do know that inasmuch as I disagree with Batman's accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet Batman's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. What we're involved in with Batman is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it.

This march into cranky absenteeism is not happening by mere chance. It is not, as many jejune misogynists insist, the result of the natural, inevitable course of things. It is happening as a direct result of Batman's scary codices. Now, I hope Batman was joking when he implied he was going to give an air of scientific impartiality to biased judgments, but it sure didn't sound like it.

While some of Batman's holier-than-thou attitudes are very attractive on the surface and are undeniably entertaining, they ultimately serve to mobilize support for the special interests that dominate state and private activity. I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that an armed revolt against Batman is morally justified. However, I believe that it is not yet strategically justified. The last time I told his foot soldiers that I want to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of him and his flighty witticisms they declared in response, "But society is supposed to be lenient towards primitive mafia dons." Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant. Batman is an opportunist. That is, he is an ideological chameleon, without any real morality, without a soul.

If anything, difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. The manipulative defeatism I've been writing about is not primarily the fault of cankered, illiberal troublemakers, nor of the cuckoo ratbags who place our children at imminent risk of serious harm. It is the fault of Batman. I want to see all of us working together to act as a positive role model for younger people. Yes, this is an idealistic approach to actualizing our restorative goals. Nevertheless, you should realize that Batman's factotums have decided, behind closed doors and in closed sessions, to woo over inerudite malefactors by using tactics such as scapegoating, reductionist and simplistic solutions, demagoguery, and a conspiracy theory of history. But I digress. Batman used to complain about being persecuted. Now he is our primary persecutor. This reversal of roles reminds me that I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Batman's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now.

I hereby publicly condemn Batman's deranged exegeses. In doing so, I publicly proclaim that we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but if he is victorious in his quest to trade fundamental human rights for a cheap "guarantee" of safety and security, then his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity. Pauperism has served as the justification for the butchering, torture, and enslavement of more people than any other "ism". That's why it's Batman's favorite; it makes it easy for him to usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times. This may be a foregone conclusion, but Batman does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent.

In a broad-brush sense, if I were to compile a list of Batman's forays into espionage, sabotage, and subversion, it would fill an entire page and perhaps even run over onto the following one. Such a list would surely make every sane person who has passed the age of six realize that Batman's causing all sorts of problems for us. We must grasp these problems with both hands and deal with them in a forthright way. Just because I understand Batman's notions doesn't mean I agree with them. If we do nothing, Batman will keep on increasing society's cycle of hostility and violence. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity.

Batman once heard a bloody-minded petty-type say, "'The truth', 'the whole truth', and 'nothing but the truth' are three different things." What's amazing is that Batman was then able to use that quotation plus some anecdotal evidence to convince his buddies that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance, which makes me wonder, "What sort of severe tunnel vision has led him to suspect that his demands prevent smallpox?" He doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; he wants to ensure you don't find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts. He may not have a monopoly on the perpetuation of demagogism but if he succeeds in his attempt to require schoolchildren to be taught that his way of life is correct and everyone else's isn't, it'll have to be over my dead body. His shock troops say that nothing would help society more than for them to generate an epidemic of corruption and social unrest. Sorry, I don't buy that.

The real question here is not, "Why does Batman have to be such a party pooper?". The real question is rather, "Has Batman ever considered what would happen if a small fraction of his time spent trying to equip the most inane primates you'll ever see with flame throwers, hand grenades, and heat-seeking missiles was instead spent on something productive?" One might as well ask, "Which of the seven deadly sins -- pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust -- does he not commit on a daily basis?" I don't pretend to know the answer but I do know that our battle with him is a battle between spiritualism and wowserism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that by allowing Batman to overthrow western civilization through the destruction of its four pillars -- family, nation, religion, and democracy -- we are selling our souls for dross. Instead, we should be striving to replace today's chaos and lack of vision with order and a supreme sense of purpose. Batman knows perfectly well that his disreputable past resonates in his current stratagems. Now, I could go off on that point alone, but on the issue of exclusivism, he is wrong again. Sure, the hysteria and witch-hunts fueled by Batman's refrains will put the prisoners in charge of running the prison within a short period of time. But he is totally versipellous. When Batman's among plebeians, he warms the cockles of their hearts by remonstrating against oligarchism. But when he's safely surrounded by his lackeys, Batman instructs them to nourish reckless ideologies. That type of cunning two-sidedness tells us that when Batman says that the majority of misguided ignoramuses are heroes, if not saints, that's just a load of spucatum tauri. Let us now supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into Bonapartism because in that is our only hope for the future.

holy shit I read that...

Around the Network
Batman...WTF? said:
twesterm said:
I see your long pointless post and raise you another!

I kept my silence when Mr. Batman announced he wanted to pit people against each other. I did nothing when he tried to steal the fruits of other people's labor. But his latest pleas are the straw that breaks the camel's back. As this letter will make clear, he has declared that he's staging a revolt against everyone who dares to act honorably. Batman's revolting all right; the very sight of him turns my stomach. All kidding aside, his victims have been speaking out for years. Unfortunately, their voices have long been silenced by the roar and thunder of Batman's subordinates, who loudly proclaim that granting Batman complete control over our lives is as important as breathing air. Regardless of those petulant proclamations, the truth is that he keeps telling us that people prefer "cultural integrity" and "multicultural sensitivity" to health, food, safety, and the opportunity to choose their own course through life. Are we also supposed to believe that poxy, shiftless fault-finders are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes? I didn't think so.

I want to give our young people the values that will inspire them to point out the glaring contradiction between Batman's idealized view of Trotskyism and reality. But first, let me pose an abstract question. Why can't Batman relieve his aching sense of inadequacy without having to allow federally funded research to mushroom into a stroppy, grossly inefficient system, hampered by vitriolic purveyors of malice and hatred and conniving bloodsuckers? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that he wants us to emulate the White Queen from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, who strives to believe "as many as six impossible things before breakfast". Then again, even the White Queen would have trouble believing that there should be publicly financed centers of libertinism. I prefer to believe things that my experience tells me are true, such as that Batman has repeatedly been spotted giving rise to amoral evildoers. When questioned about that, he either denies any knowledge of it or offers unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only an abysmal card shark could believe.

Batman recently got caught red-handed trying to erase the memory of all traditions and all history. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. I don't know what sort of abuse he was subjected to as a child that made him such a cocky sewer rat but I do know that inasmuch as I disagree with Batman's accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet Batman's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. What we're involved in with Batman is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it.

This march into cranky absenteeism is not happening by mere chance. It is not, as many jejune misogynists insist, the result of the natural, inevitable course of things. It is happening as a direct result of Batman's scary codices. Now, I hope Batman was joking when he implied he was going to give an air of scientific impartiality to biased judgments, but it sure didn't sound like it.

While some of Batman's holier-than-thou attitudes are very attractive on the surface and are undeniably entertaining, they ultimately serve to mobilize support for the special interests that dominate state and private activity. I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that an armed revolt against Batman is morally justified. However, I believe that it is not yet strategically justified. The last time I told his foot soldiers that I want to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of him and his flighty witticisms they declared in response, "But society is supposed to be lenient towards primitive mafia dons." Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant. Batman is an opportunist. That is, he is an ideological chameleon, without any real morality, without a soul.

If anything, difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. The manipulative defeatism I've been writing about is not primarily the fault of cankered, illiberal troublemakers, nor of the cuckoo ratbags who place our children at imminent risk of serious harm. It is the fault of Batman. I want to see all of us working together to act as a positive role model for younger people. Yes, this is an idealistic approach to actualizing our restorative goals. Nevertheless, you should realize that Batman's factotums have decided, behind closed doors and in closed sessions, to woo over inerudite malefactors by using tactics such as scapegoating, reductionist and simplistic solutions, demagoguery, and a conspiracy theory of history. But I digress. Batman used to complain about being persecuted. Now he is our primary persecutor. This reversal of roles reminds me that I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Batman's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now.

I hereby publicly condemn Batman's deranged exegeses. In doing so, I publicly proclaim that we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but if he is victorious in his quest to trade fundamental human rights for a cheap "guarantee" of safety and security, then his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity. Pauperism has served as the justification for the butchering, torture, and enslavement of more people than any other "ism". That's why it's Batman's favorite; it makes it easy for him to usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times. This may be a foregone conclusion, but Batman does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent.

In a broad-brush sense, if I were to compile a list of Batman's forays into espionage, sabotage, and subversion, it would fill an entire page and perhaps even run over onto the following one. Such a list would surely make every sane person who has passed the age of six realize that Batman's causing all sorts of problems for us. We must grasp these problems with both hands and deal with them in a forthright way. Just because I understand Batman's notions doesn't mean I agree with them. If we do nothing, Batman will keep on increasing society's cycle of hostility and violence. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity.

Batman once heard a bloody-minded petty-type say, "'The truth', 'the whole truth', and 'nothing but the truth' are three different things." What's amazing is that Batman was then able to use that quotation plus some anecdotal evidence to convince his buddies that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance, which makes me wonder, "What sort of severe tunnel vision has led him to suspect that his demands prevent smallpox?" He doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; he wants to ensure you don't find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts. He may not have a monopoly on the perpetuation of demagogism but if he succeeds in his attempt to require schoolchildren to be taught that his way of life is correct and everyone else's isn't, it'll have to be over my dead body. His shock troops say that nothing would help society more than for them to generate an epidemic of corruption and social unrest. Sorry, I don't buy that.

The real question here is not, "Why does Batman have to be such a party pooper?". The real question is rather, "Has Batman ever considered what would happen if a small fraction of his time spent trying to equip the most inane primates you'll ever see with flame throwers, hand grenades, and heat-seeking missiles was instead spent on something productive?" One might as well ask, "Which of the seven deadly sins -- pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust -- does he not commit on a daily basis?" I don't pretend to know the answer but I do know that our battle with him is a battle between spiritualism and wowserism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that by allowing Batman to overthrow western civilization through the destruction of its four pillars -- family, nation, religion, and democracy -- we are selling our souls for dross. Instead, we should be striving to replace today's chaos and lack of vision with order and a supreme sense of purpose. Batman knows perfectly well that his disreputable past resonates in his current stratagems. Now, I could go off on that point alone, but on the issue of exclusivism, he is wrong again. Sure, the hysteria and witch-hunts fueled by Batman's refrains will put the prisoners in charge of running the prison within a short period of time. But he is totally versipellous. When Batman's among plebeians, he warms the cockles of their hearts by remonstrating against oligarchism. But when he's safely surrounded by his lackeys, Batman instructs them to nourish reckless ideologies. That type of cunning two-sidedness tells us that when Batman says that the majority of misguided ignoramuses are heroes, if not saints, that's just a load of spucatum tauri. Let us now supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into Bonapartism because in that is our only hope for the future.

holy shit I read that...


it did have batman in how could you not?

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

but did twestern really write that?

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

twesterm said:
I see your long pointless post and raise you another!

I kept my silence when Mr. Batman announced he wanted to pit people against each other. I did nothing when he tried to steal the fruits of other people's labor. But his latest pleas are the straw that breaks the camel's back. As this letter will make clear, he has declared that he's staging a revolt against everyone who dares to act honorably. Batman's revolting all right; the very sight of him turns my stomach. All kidding aside, his victims have been speaking out for years. Unfortunately, their voices have long been silenced by the roar and thunder of Batman's subordinates, who loudly proclaim that granting Batman complete control over our lives is as important as breathing air. Regardless of those petulant proclamations, the truth is that he keeps telling us that people prefer "cultural integrity" and "multicultural sensitivity" to health, food, safety, and the opportunity to choose their own course through life. Are we also supposed to believe that poxy, shiftless fault-finders are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes? I didn't think so.

I want to give our young people the values that will inspire them to point out the glaring contradiction between Batman's idealized view of Trotskyism and reality. But first, let me pose an abstract question. Why can't Batman relieve his aching sense of inadequacy without having to allow federally funded research to mushroom into a stroppy, grossly inefficient system, hampered by vitriolic purveyors of malice and hatred and conniving bloodsuckers? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that he wants us to emulate the White Queen from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, who strives to believe "as many as six impossible things before breakfast". Then again, even the White Queen would have trouble believing that there should be publicly financed centers of libertinism. I prefer to believe things that my experience tells me are true, such as that Batman has repeatedly been spotted giving rise to amoral evildoers. When questioned about that, he either denies any knowledge of it or offers unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only an abysmal card shark could believe.

Batman recently got caught red-handed trying to erase the memory of all traditions and all history. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. I don't know what sort of abuse he was subjected to as a child that made him such a cocky sewer rat but I do know that inasmuch as I disagree with Batman's accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet Batman's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. What we're involved in with Batman is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it.

This march into cranky absenteeism is not happening by mere chance. It is not, as many jejune misogynists insist, the result of the natural, inevitable course of things. It is happening as a direct result of Batman's scary codices. Now, I hope Batman was joking when he implied he was going to give an air of scientific impartiality to biased judgments, but it sure didn't sound like it.

While some of Batman's holier-than-thou attitudes are very attractive on the surface and are undeniably entertaining, they ultimately serve to mobilize support for the special interests that dominate state and private activity. I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that an armed revolt against Batman is morally justified. However, I believe that it is not yet strategically justified. The last time I told his foot soldiers that I want to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of him and his flighty witticisms they declared in response, "But society is supposed to be lenient towards primitive mafia dons." Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant. Batman is an opportunist. That is, he is an ideological chameleon, without any real morality, without a soul.

If anything, difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. The manipulative defeatism I've been writing about is not primarily the fault of cankered, illiberal troublemakers, nor of the cuckoo ratbags who place our children at imminent risk of serious harm. It is the fault of Batman. I want to see all of us working together to act as a positive role model for younger people. Yes, this is an idealistic approach to actualizing our restorative goals. Nevertheless, you should realize that Batman's factotums have decided, behind closed doors and in closed sessions, to woo over inerudite malefactors by using tactics such as scapegoating, reductionist and simplistic solutions, demagoguery, and a conspiracy theory of history. But I digress. Batman used to complain about being persecuted. Now he is our primary persecutor. This reversal of roles reminds me that I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Batman's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now.

I hereby publicly condemn Batman's deranged exegeses. In doing so, I publicly proclaim that we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but if he is victorious in his quest to trade fundamental human rights for a cheap "guarantee" of safety and security, then his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity. Pauperism has served as the justification for the butchering, torture, and enslavement of more people than any other "ism". That's why it's Batman's favorite; it makes it easy for him to usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times. This may be a foregone conclusion, but Batman does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent.

In a broad-brush sense, if I were to compile a list of Batman's forays into espionage, sabotage, and subversion, it would fill an entire page and perhaps even run over onto the following one. Such a list would surely make every sane person who has passed the age of six realize that Batman's causing all sorts of problems for us. We must grasp these problems with both hands and deal with them in a forthright way. Just because I understand Batman's notions doesn't mean I agree with them. If we do nothing, Batman will keep on increasing society's cycle of hostility and violence. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity.

Batman once heard a bloody-minded petty-type say, "'The truth', 'the whole truth', and 'nothing but the truth' are three different things." What's amazing is that Batman was then able to use that quotation plus some anecdotal evidence to convince his buddies that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance, which makes me wonder, "What sort of severe tunnel vision has led him to suspect that his demands prevent smallpox?" He doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; he wants to ensure you don't find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts. He may not have a monopoly on the perpetuation of demagogism but if he succeeds in his attempt to require schoolchildren to be taught that his way of life is correct and everyone else's isn't, it'll have to be over my dead body. His shock troops say that nothing would help society more than for them to generate an epidemic of corruption and social unrest. Sorry, I don't buy that.

The real question here is not, "Why does Batman have to be such a party pooper?". The real question is rather, "Has Batman ever considered what would happen if a small fraction of his time spent trying to equip the most inane primates you'll ever see with flame throwers, hand grenades, and heat-seeking missiles was instead spent on something productive?" One might as well ask, "Which of the seven deadly sins -- pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust -- does he not commit on a daily basis?" I don't pretend to know the answer but I do know that our battle with him is a battle between spiritualism and wowserism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that by allowing Batman to overthrow western civilization through the destruction of its four pillars -- family, nation, religion, and democracy -- we are selling our souls for dross. Instead, we should be striving to replace today's chaos and lack of vision with order and a supreme sense of purpose. Batman knows perfectly well that his disreputable past resonates in his current stratagems. Now, I could go off on that point alone, but on the issue of exclusivism, he is wrong again. Sure, the hysteria and witch-hunts fueled by Batman's refrains will put the prisoners in charge of running the prison within a short period of time. But he is totally versipellous. When Batman's among plebeians, he warms the cockles of their hearts by remonstrating against oligarchism. But when he's safely surrounded by his lackeys, Batman instructs them to nourish reckless ideologies. That type of cunning two-sidedness tells us that when Batman says that the majority of misguided ignoramuses are heroes, if not saints, that's just a load of spucatum tauri. Let us now supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into Bonapartism because in that is our only hope for the future.


I think I've understood the thread, did the guys from Special Investigations know that it was a setup?

F.U. Fun University.

I read through about half of the batman post, but then I realized that it's still not about video games,and really, it's not about batman either, so that kinda ruined it for me too

Batman...WTF? said:
Grey Acumen said:

yeah, this is a website about video game consoles, their games, and sales of both. When someone posts a well thought out, 12 page dissertation about a console and its sales, I'll read it because that's what this f***ing site is ABOUT, not a god d*** russian revolution!

Edit. Try again

To be honest, I don't really see how the russians would manage to have a successful revolution without war, so I don't think I'll bother.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


twesterm's post actually damaged the vision in my left eye.....

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."