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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 gets a 9.5, Fallout 3 gets a 10 from OXM

and the UK PSM has supposedly been pretty fair as well, but I'm not here to argue one being worse than the other or that one should count and another shouldn't. I am here to simply remind that as a general rule you don't take a rating from an official magazine of a single console at face value. Don't do it for NP, PSM, or OXM. Just wait for other sources before you get excited or make conclusions such as Fallout 3 > Fable 2


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jasonnc80 said:
I'm more curious as to what their reasoning was behind Dead Space's 6.5?

All the other previews and reviews (albeit small # of them) have been very positive.


They probably whined about the lack of a HUD and the lack of a quick turn around button....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Torillian said:
and the UK PSM has supposedly been pretty fair as well, but I'm not here to argue one being worse than the other or that one should count and another shouldn't. I am here to simply remind that as a general rule you don't take a rating from an official magazine of a single console at face value. Don't do it for NP, PSM, or OXM. Just wait for other sources before you get excited or make conclusions such as Fallout 3 > Fable 2

Noone is reasonably drawing that conclusion.

Regardless, if this review is real, it is a good sign for both titles.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I don't have a problem with Fallout 3 getting a better score. I believe it will probably be GotY, tbh. Fable 2, I just expect to be as good as Fable 1, which I loved. I've preordered both games, these scores are good news to me. Especially since my experience with OXM has been checkered with my feeling that they tend to under-rate some 360 games, and rarely over-rate.

Same with PSM really. I fully expect other reviews to follow with perfect scores for LBP. Not my type of game, but I do expect a great gamerankings score, maybe the highest ever.

I think there is a lot of assumptions that these magazines are completely biased for Microsoft and Sony games. IMO, I think their reviews tend to be fairly accurate and I wouldn't be surprised if OXM, at least, has a very high percentage of being in line, or below the average review.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Venji said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Let me get this straight, suddenly a 9.5 is bad?

It's not enough that everyone seems to have decided on their own that 7's and 8's are bad shit, but now 9.5 isn't good enough either? Good grief, people. I'm not going to get into a discussion as to if these scores are real or not, or if OXM are to be trusted with 360-games, but people acting as if 9.5 is a disappointment need a slap to the face.

9.5 is a downright amazing score anyway you look at it. Wake up.


Ever since the GTA4 reviews came out the scores have changed - it's now between 9.0 and 10.

Is Fable 2 coming to the PC any time soon?

No, they haven't. People were acting like this before GTA4 too. And on the subject of GTA4, people need to stop whining about that game. If they honestly expected GTA4 to be anything else than it was they were delusional. To me, it was exactly what I expected - And more. It got the reviews it deserved. Some people didn't like it, well, too bad. If I bought Smash Bros. Brawl and expected it to be Final Fantasy I'd be disappointed too.

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both get a great score .... but Dead Space get only 6.5 ? its dead score i think.... but IGN give it 8.7 & thats make it confusing in which site should i trust ? ..... so many games should i get this month

1- Fable II ( of course the first game i want to get )
2- Farcry 2 ( more important than fallout 3 for me )
3- Fallout 3
4- Dead space ( after the 6.5 review .. i think i should wait for other reviews )
5- Little Big Planet
6- Silent hill: Homecoming

NNN2004 said:
both get a great score .... but Dead Space get only 6.5 ? its dead score i think.... but IGN give it 8.7 & thats make it confusing in which site should i trust ? ..... so many games should i get this month

1- Fable II ( of course the first game i want to get )
2- Farcry 2 ( more important than fallout 3 for me )
3- Fallout 3
4- Dead space ( after the 6.5 review .. i think i should wait for other reviews )
5- Little Big Planet
6- Silent hill: Homecoming

I have no idea what to think of Dead Space.

Either way, there are too many guarenteed hit games on my list for me to bother with it this year.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

jasonnc80 said:
I'm more curious as to what their reasoning was behind Dead Space's 6.5?

All the other previews and reviews (albeit small # of them) have been very positive.


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Bitmap Frogs said:
jasonnc80 said:
I'm more curious as to what their reasoning was behind Dead Space's 6.5?

All the other previews and reviews (albeit small # of them) have been very positive.


Not Exclusive -3 points.

Which is why Fallout 3 is higher than Fable 2 right? 

You gotta pick the right moments man...


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erikers said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
jasonnc80 said:
I'm more curious as to what their reasoning was behind Dead Space's 6.5?

All the other previews and reviews (albeit small # of them) have been very positive.

Not Exclusive -3 points.

Which is why Fallout 3 is higher than Fable 2 right? 

You gotta pick the right moments man...

I believe he was being sarcastic....


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS