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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If it weren't for Wii, I wouldn't own a console this gen.

i take it then if you wernt to get a PS3 or 360 that you are not a lover of great HD graphics.

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frybread said:

If Nintendo had tried to release a Cube360, I would have yawned and done without. PC would have been more than enough. Am I alone on this?

I mean, 6th gen was boring enough with all the cinematic games, but console players seem to still be enamored with the FPS, a genre that has been well explored and done to death on PC. Think about it, they're just now discovering online gaming with Halo 2 or Halo 3. Much like country music, they're 15 years behind the rest of the industry. Online deathmatch? Doom, 1993. Team based tactical gaming? Tribes, 1998. It's an old, old genre.

From reading countless forums - especially VGC, one thing I've noticed about Wii gamers is that they're not new to gaming. They're old pros, and the stats back this up (only 10% of owners are expanded market) I also have another suspicion - Wii owners are likely to be PC gamers. Am I right?

When you spend a big chunk of your time playing MMO's, or competitive FPS/RTS, it's a nice change to play Wii, especially with friends and family. And as PC gamers we're not prone to buzzwords like "HD" since we played Dark Forces in HD back in 1995. Also, Crysis kind of makes you jaded to any console screenshots.

We're exactly the kind of people Nintendo was targeting. People growing older, getting tired of FMV-laden "cinematic" gaming, wishing for a new experience. We're why Nintendo was predicting a downturn in gaming, and they had to do something to keep our interest.

Judging from sales of traditional consoles, Nintendo was right.

Um, things done to death you say?

You do realise motion controls have been done before right? Just because Nintendo popularised it doesn't mean they were innovative and bringing something new to the table.

Perhaps you're not the older gamer you claim to be...

Now if you had said, Nintendo had done something different and given gamers a choice, that'd be acceptable and I'd agree. But they didn't bring something new to the table, they rehashed and made popular older technology.

@Calamity. Where did he say motion controls are the only "new experience"? People jump on motion thinking it's the only difference between Wii and 2*GC.

Ehh I really don't understand the ferocity by which people defend the Wii as if anyone who has a dissenting opinion should be sent to the salt mines. I do agree that the PC is where it's at, but cmon aside from platforming the keyboard/mouse are the best controls.

I just beat bowser for the second time in SMG (Dancing motherfucker) and I don't feel the Wii-mote accentuated the gaming experience all that much. Don't get me wrong I think it's a great game and argued fiercely with a friend that it was a true mario game, But shaking to spin? tilting the wii mote to steer the ray/golf ball? all this would have been just as good with the analog and buttons. I mean the only thing really you couldn't use a normal controller was for shooting bits(which are pretty useless anyway). It just seems like superfluos, cumbersome controls that would be better served to be tight and on a controller.

Smash bros....don't even get me started, I don't even play that game with a Wii mote and yes I tryed. Zelda has the same problems as SMG, shaking the remote is not as fun as pressing a button especially when all swings are pre-programmed. Monkey ball was fun but the Wii-mote made it harder than the other games, and same shit with MKwii. Red steel wasn't fun but I can't blame the Wii for that and RE4 had no real improvement.

On the flipside games like MP3, wii-sports,wii-fit and smooth moves are really what the Wii should do But I think it's bullshit to lambaste the other consoles cause they don't have a different control scheme.

If the developers made better strides with the Wii maybe most people wouldn't discount it. I believe the best and the true point of the Wii will come with motion plus, a feature it should have had from start but nintendo even admitted it was too pricey. So to sell more units nintendo decided to make the Wii less than it could be and that is my problem with the Wii. If most games had 1 to 1 I wouldn't buy another sports game on any other console but shakeing my remote to replace a button doesn't make great controls I just wish Wii fanboys could understand that.

Of course even though I logically describe my points and even pointed out good things of nintendo and of course their stellar line up of first partys, people will still say I'm just a biased (insert company/platform) fanboy.

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about same feeling here... the only reason I got a 360 is because I had planned on a PC upgrade for christmass and switched for cheap ass 360 bundle instead... Had I have a new PC or not too old, I wouldn't have considered the purchase.


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GLoRySoGLoRy said:
vtx said:
I'm with you frybread, my friends and I probably wouldn't have bought a console this gen if it wasn't for the wii. We all lost interest in consoles during the 6th gen, even with the ps2s library, and switched to PC. I can also see what you mean on the part about old pros, noticed a lot of people who I interact with that are under 19 or are relatively new to gaming (5th gen+) generally lean towards the HD twins.


 what type of games did you play on the PC during the 6th gen?


Lots of multiplayer games with single player peppered between them...


RTS=SC:BW, AoE, WC3, Dota and some TDs/custom maps in the mix

shooters=CS1.6, DOD, HL2, UT03 and a bunch of other shooters

MMOs and RPGS=D2, Lineage 2, Dungeon Siege, WOW, RO and a bunch of other games I can't recall at the moment

Sim types=B&W, tycoons and sim cities

not gonna list the others.. too many to name and too tired right now.

oliminator1994 said:
i take it then if you wernt to get a PS3 or 360 that you are not a lover of great HD graphics.

Smaller pixels are nice and of course I'd prefer them, but visually they're not as important as say, style, color, line, form, etc.   Once again, anyone with a PC has been playing HD games since the mid 90's.  I think most Wii gamers are in that boat, and aren't impressed by buzzwords like "HD gaming"

Um, things done to death you say?

You do realise motion controls have been done before right? Just because Nintendo popularised it doesn't mean they were innovative and bringing something new to the table.

TWRoO has it right, Wii's innovation took more than "motion", more than a few acceleromters tacked on to a controller.  Just ask Sony.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

frybread said:
oliminator1994 said:
i take it then if you wernt to get a PS3 or 360 that you are not a lover of great HD graphics.

Once again, anyone with a PC has been playing HD games since the mid 90's.  I think most Wii gamers are in that boat, and aren't impressed by buzzwords like "HD gaming"

Smaller pixels are nice, but visually they're not as important as say, style, color, line, form, etc.

Um, things done to death you say?

You do realise motion controls have been done before right? Just because Nintendo popularised it doesn't mean they were innovative and bringing something new to the table.

TWRoO has it right, Wii's innovation took more than "motion", more than a few acceleromters tacked on to a controller.  Just ask Sony.


You keep dumping on the graphics of the non-wii consoles, have you ever thought that people enjoy those styles? I love Gears gritty dark styles, Dead rising had great art, Ratchet and Clank looks beatiful as a vibrant colorful metropolis. You just seem to lump everything non-wii as boring, bland, or uninspired while still saying PC games look great. I think maybe you should just look at games subjectively instead of using lables you are so fond of.

              Can love bloom on the battlefield?                 Proud supporter of this gen!!!


OP = my story

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Dystopian Delight said:

You keep dumping on the graphics of the non-wii consoles,

I don't believe I have.  I dump on the catchphrase of "HD gaming" which is hilarious in its lack of description.

Just think about it for a moment,  your girlfriend playing Sims on her 1280×720 laptop screen: HD gaming.   You playing GTA IV on your PS3, (which runs well below 720p): not HD gaming. There's obviously much more to visuals than pixel size.


Rather, people lump all Wii games together as ugly or say that Wii owners don't appreciate graphics, because it's not "HD gaming."  I'm calling them out on a stupid, undescriptive term.


PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8