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frybread said:
oliminator1994 said:
i take it then if you wernt to get a PS3 or 360 that you are not a lover of great HD graphics.

Once again, anyone with a PC has been playing HD games since the mid 90's.  I think most Wii gamers are in that boat, and aren't impressed by buzzwords like "HD gaming"

Smaller pixels are nice, but visually they're not as important as say, style, color, line, form, etc.

Um, things done to death you say?

You do realise motion controls have been done before right? Just because Nintendo popularised it doesn't mean they were innovative and bringing something new to the table.

TWRoO has it right, Wii's innovation took more than "motion", more than a few acceleromters tacked on to a controller.  Just ask Sony.


You keep dumping on the graphics of the non-wii consoles, have you ever thought that people enjoy those styles? I love Gears gritty dark styles, Dead rising had great art, Ratchet and Clank looks beatiful as a vibrant colorful metropolis. You just seem to lump everything non-wii as boring, bland, or uninspired while still saying PC games look great. I think maybe you should just look at games subjectively instead of using lables you are so fond of.

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