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Ehh I really don't understand the ferocity by which people defend the Wii as if anyone who has a dissenting opinion should be sent to the salt mines. I do agree that the PC is where it's at, but cmon aside from platforming the keyboard/mouse are the best controls.

I just beat bowser for the second time in SMG (Dancing motherfucker) and I don't feel the Wii-mote accentuated the gaming experience all that much. Don't get me wrong I think it's a great game and argued fiercely with a friend that it was a true mario game, But shaking to spin? tilting the wii mote to steer the ray/golf ball? all this would have been just as good with the analog and buttons. I mean the only thing really you couldn't use a normal controller was for shooting bits(which are pretty useless anyway). It just seems like superfluos, cumbersome controls that would be better served to be tight and on a controller.

Smash bros....don't even get me started, I don't even play that game with a Wii mote and yes I tryed. Zelda has the same problems as SMG, shaking the remote is not as fun as pressing a button especially when all swings are pre-programmed. Monkey ball was fun but the Wii-mote made it harder than the other games, and same shit with MKwii. Red steel wasn't fun but I can't blame the Wii for that and RE4 had no real improvement.

On the flipside games like MP3, wii-sports,wii-fit and smooth moves are really what the Wii should do But I think it's bullshit to lambaste the other consoles cause they don't have a different control scheme.

If the developers made better strides with the Wii maybe most people wouldn't discount it. I believe the best and the true point of the Wii will come with motion plus, a feature it should have had from start but nintendo even admitted it was too pricey. So to sell more units nintendo decided to make the Wii less than it could be and that is my problem with the Wii. If most games had 1 to 1 I wouldn't buy another sports game on any other console but shakeing my remote to replace a button doesn't make great controls I just wish Wii fanboys could understand that.

Of course even though I logically describe my points and even pointed out good things of nintendo and of course their stellar line up of first partys, people will still say I'm just a biased (insert company/platform) fanboy.

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