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Forums - Sony Discussion - Has Sony failed at TGS like they failed at E3.?

S.T.A.G.E. said:

MS took a 3rd party game. Say it with me Thhhhhhhiiiiiirrrrrddd party. 3rd party=Most likely no loyalty and will make games for either the highest bidder or the best install base prospect.

Well good for 360 owners but that's not what I was talking about. What I'm talking about is :

Sony at E3 = 3 new exclusives anounced.

MS at E3 = no new exclusives.


If you see it this way, can't see where Sony failed at E3.

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Failure before the conference is pretty hard to achieve... I don't think it's even possible in this case.

No, they haven't failed yet. I don't consider their E3 conference a failure, either - it just couldn't respond to MS's surprise. Without FFXIII MS failed, too (well, they could have announced the Halo thing then but it wasn't or isn't exactly huge), if Sony's conference was considered a failure.

MS hasn't been too succesful even now. Tekken 6 becoming multiplatform isn't a surprise, and a new Halo game isn't either. Sony will have hard time having a worse conference, though it's definitely possible. Still, I expect them to announce something interesting. At least they have many games to announce, according to the information we already have.

MS Takes Sony exclusive!! Sony has failed!!!

First of all, I want to see you play that game with a 360 controller. Sure, It's a moral victory by MS, but they are wasting too much money on trying to win this gen.

Second, Sony didn't even have their conference yet... it's hard to fail before your conference.

Last, MS didn't announce anything new (pretty surprisingly), Sony has plenty to announce and we already had leaks of what they were supposed to announce (Demon's Soul, and I guess, Quantum Theory).

I just think noobie failed at making a negative sony thread.... again.... for like the 20th time.

For the love of god, theres TWO MORE CONFRENCES..

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failed at E3 ??

everyone failed at E3 except MS for FFXIII that is still on PS3 too ...

Time to Work !

finalsquall said:
Well If you think about it. MS is still thinking last gen. Sony this creating new gen games, new ip's and franchises. Maybe it's time to get new talent. M$ is doing nothing new. Sony is doing what it does best - solid games.



List of things that MS did better than they did last gen


1) Came out with a system cheaper than their main competition (without an HD-DVD player attached)

2) Came out a year earlier.

3) Gathered a much larger library

4)MGS (Microsoft Gaming Stuidos published or owned IP rights to) published and gathered more games (Not even counting all of the games they published on PC): Fable series, Halo series (Including chronicles and Halo Wars), Viva Pinata, Gears of War,series, Alan Wake, Project Gotham Racing series, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Crackdown, Blue Dragon, Scene it, Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden 2, Lips, Banjo & Kazooie, Ninja Blade, Forza series and more.

5) Actually gives a damn to procure IP's before they fire developers, so that their needed fanbase wont expand.

6) Has proper pricing and variety for people who want a choice between a low priced or expensive console.

7) Cares more this gen about both quality and quantity in games this gen. where as they didn't understand very well last gen which is why they got destroyed by Sony.


If you check the mass majority of Sony's "TOP RATED GAMES" this gen they are mostly 3rd party. Everything else is wishful thinking and speculation. If you run a check, Xbox 360 has more top rates games between a 10 to 9.0...or even down to an 8.5 than the PS3. 3rd party games still remain the highest on both though.

Stop being blinded by fanboyism please.

Xen said:
MS Takes Sony exclusive!! Sony has failed!!!

First of all, I want to see you play that game with a 360 controller. Sure, It's a moral victory by MS, but they are wasting too much money on trying to win this gen.

Second, Sony didn't even have their conference yet... it's hard to fail before your conference.

Last, MS didn't announce anything new (pretty surprisingly), Sony has plenty to announce and we already had leaks of what they were supposed to announce (Demon's Soul, and I guess, Quantum Theory).



Um...i'm getting Tekken 6 on the PS3, but the 360 is getting a new controller with a better directional pad for gaming. They showed it off at E3 already. The 360 owners should enjoy it. They claims its been well tested.

Asmo said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

MS took a 3rd party game. Say it with me Thhhhhhhiiiiiirrrrrddd party. 3rd party=Most likely no loyalty and will make games for either the highest bidder or the best install base prospect.

Well good for 360 owners but that's not what I was talking about. What I'm talking about is :

Sony at E3 = 3 new exclusives anounced.

MS at E3 = no new exclusives.


If you see it this way, can't see where Sony failed at E3.



Microsoft held back alot of titles to announce dude. They didn't even announce the new Halo at the E3 conference they unveiled it after pressing questions from gaming reporters. Microsoft will be having over 1000 games in their arsenal by the end of the year. Trust me...this doesn't bother me one bit. At least some of those other games are likely to be good. Remember we have seen from Rare in a while.

Noobie said:

no earth shattering news from them... rather not even some mild tremor...

atleast MS has announced yet another Sony exclusive becoming multi... and they gave some sweetners with few Halo games.... but so far nothing of Tekken level news from Sony...

and nobody knows when their conference is going to be held or even if they r going to held it or not... look like Sony has lost its touch....


No problem, Tekken is not a AAA title and will be released in fall 2009. Pathetic.

Sony has a lot of first-party titles.

Xbox360 instead has only few timed exclusives of dubious quality. 95% xbox360 game are also available on PS3 and 100% xbox360 game are also available on PC.