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finalsquall said:
Well If you think about it. MS is still thinking last gen. Sony this creating new gen games, new ip's and franchises. Maybe it's time to get new talent. M$ is doing nothing new. Sony is doing what it does best - solid games.



List of things that MS did better than they did last gen


1) Came out with a system cheaper than their main competition (without an HD-DVD player attached)

2) Came out a year earlier.

3) Gathered a much larger library

4)MGS (Microsoft Gaming Stuidos published or owned IP rights to) published and gathered more games (Not even counting all of the games they published on PC): Fable series, Halo series (Including chronicles and Halo Wars), Viva Pinata, Gears of War,series, Alan Wake, Project Gotham Racing series, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Crackdown, Blue Dragon, Scene it, Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden 2, Lips, Banjo & Kazooie, Ninja Blade, Forza series and more.

5) Actually gives a damn to procure IP's before they fire developers, so that their needed fanbase wont expand.

6) Has proper pricing and variety for people who want a choice between a low priced or expensive console.

7) Cares more this gen about both quality and quantity in games this gen. where as they didn't understand very well last gen which is why they got destroyed by Sony.


If you check the mass majority of Sony's "TOP RATED GAMES" this gen they are mostly 3rd party. Everything else is wishful thinking and speculation. If you run a check, Xbox 360 has more top rates games between a 10 to 9.0...or even down to an 8.5 than the PS3. 3rd party games still remain the highest on both though.

Stop being blinded by fanboyism please.