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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tekken 6. Is no longer a exclusive

I'm happy they didn't anounce a ff13 release in japan

F.U. Fun University.

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gera4390 said:
I'm happy they didn't anounce a ff13 release in japan

Me too. It really affects me on a personal level as an American that would puchase an American version of FFXIII to see a region I have nothing to do with affected on their platform status. Thank god Square-Enix didn't announce it for Japan, because I would have had to take three sleeping pills tonight just to catch some shut eye.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Jordahn said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

You're wrong. I've been an advocate of a one console system...


As noble as you've tried to come off as, this past thread really took the cake...

...where you purposely singled out SONY, and when confronted with the reality of the stuation, you tried taking things out of context because you cannot succcessful counter the realiity presented. You're blinded by your self-righteous.  Have a good night

I never saw that thread. I won't resurrect it myself, however, I'll reply here.

I stand by what I wrote. By refusing to support 3rd parties, Sony is choosing short term profit over Playstation 3 owners. Sony is in charge of delivering games to its customers. At that point, the story of Sony increasing 1st party support to make up for their lack of supporting 3rd party publishers with money was unknown to me, and very likely hadn't broke.

The line, "Sony chose profit over gamers" is 100 percent true. They could have spent that profit on 3rd party support, and perhaps Tekken or FFXIII would still be PS3 exclusives, who knows. However, it's true that they went out of their way to tell us that they wont' be spending money on 3rd party support anytime soon.

As for Nintendo, yes, they chose profitability over their core gamers, but not in the same way. Nintendo tried to appeal to a different gaming audience in order to increase profit. Sony is trying to appeal to its shareholders by keeping the profit its already recieving.(at least at the time of that post, we all assumed that, since the 1st party support increase hasn't been publicized yet)

All companies strive for profit. However, Microsoft has decided that the best chance for long term profit, is to spend a lot of money now, on becoming a top brand.

Anyway, I don't expect you read past my first sentence in any post I've made. You've always been a close minded argumentative poster, and to think that you could actually support your argument with facts in a long term debate is laughable.

Just posing a link to a bunch of fanboys complaining about my argument, because I wasn't there to explain it to them, isn't winning you any points in my credibility book. Stop trying to marginalize the valid points I made in this post, just because youa are too lazy or ignorant to counter them.

Edit: This is my last commentary on the subject of Sony, for a while.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I don't care about Tekken, but it's a big plus for MS in Japan.

ZenfoldorVGI said:


Just posing a link to a bunch of fanboys complaining about my argument, because I wasn't there to explain it to them, isn't winning you any points in my credibility book. Stop trying to marginalize the valid points I made in this post, just because youa are too lazy or ignorant to counter them.

Edit: This is my last commentary on the subject of Sony, for a while.

You continually take the stand that just because a person successfully refutes your arguement, you claim them to be "a bunch of fanboys complaining about [your] argument" in an attempt to discredit them when the post history speaks for itself.  And people have countered your points, but you continue to do the same as in this thread...

...accusing everyone who didn't speak favorably of Infinite Undiscovery as having an "alterior motive" when they could be giving an honest personal assessment.

People here can read, and people here can also comprehend.  It's not all fanboys who respond to you, and you have been there to explain yourself, only to be counter-argued successfully again.  Please don't insult people's intelligence

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Around the Network
Jordahn said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Just posing a link to a bunch of fanboys complaining about my argument, because I wasn't there to explain it to them, isn't winning you any points in my credibility book. Stop trying to marginalize the valid points I made in this post, just because youa are too lazy or ignorant to counter them.

Edit: This is my last commentary on the subject of Sony, for a while.

You continually take the stand that just because a person successfully refutes your arguement, you claim them to be "a bunch of fanboys complaining about [your] argument" in an attempt to discredit them when the post history speaks for itself.  And people have countered your points, but you continue to do the same as in this thread...

...accusing everyone who didn't speak favorably of Infinite Undiscovery as having an "alterior motive" when they could be giving an honest personal assessment.

People here can read, and people here can also comprehend.  It's not all fanboys who respond to you, and you have been there to explain yourself, only to be counter-argued successfully again.  Please don't insult people's intelligence


 You have to admit that the Sony loyalists were extremely bitter during E308. They handled this loss alot better. My compliments to them, but the fact remains that alot of Sony loyalists downplayed alot of JRPG's just because they went multiplat. Obviously we're learning that alot of people who owned the PS2 and were fanatics moved over to the Wii and 360 hence why the 360 sells better with most of the PS360 multiplats.

Jordahn said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Just posing a link to a bunch of fanboys complaining about my argument, because I wasn't there to explain it to them, isn't winning you any points in my credibility book. Stop trying to marginalize the valid points I made in this post, just because youa are too lazy or ignorant to counter them.

Edit: This is my last commentary on the subject of Sony, for a while.

You continually take the stand that just because a person successfully refutes your arguement, you claim them to be "a bunch of fanboys complaining about [your] argument" in an attempt to discredit them when the post history speaks for itself.  And people have countered your points, but you continue to do the same as in this thread...

...accusing everyone who didn't speak favorably of Infinite Undiscovery as having an "alterior motive" when they could be giving an honest personal assessment.

People here can read, and people here can also comprehend.  It's not all fanboys who respond to you, and you have been there to explain yourself, only to be counter-argued successfully again.  Please don't insult people's intelligence

I didn't know if the game would be good or bad then. I simply flamed the people who hated on the game because it was on the Xbox 360. You really think they recognized all the things that ended up being bad about the game, from the trailer? Nobody knew if the game was going to be good or bad, back then. If the game turned out to be great, I wouldn't have been proven right, anymore than I was proven wrong, because it sucked. How the game looked is opinion, excuse me if I believe that diehard Sony fanboys opinions about the games trailer might have led to biased predictions.

I sent you a PM. I suggest you read it. I don't want to go public with this. I'm serious about the last thing I wrote you.

Also, next time, why don't you try responding to what I wrote, instead of pointing out things I wrote in the past. What is this, presidential politics?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


i knew it .. i said it before .. and this is a link:;thumb;1

now for my other guesses

1- MGS4 on the way to the 360.
2- FF XIII versus no longer exclusive.
3- left 4 dead will remain exclusive for 360 ( dont count the PC version ).
4- blue ray player for 360 ( i think its already done .. link:;title;5 ).

5- heavy rain will come to 360.                                                                                                                      

6- White Knight coming to 360.

at least one of them true ..... this is a guess only dont take it seriously ..... also i feel sorry for sony

if u have other guesses post it.


NNN2004 said:

i knew it .. i said it before .. and this is a link:;thumb;1

now for my other guesses

1- MGS4 on the way to the 360.
2- FF XIII versus no longer exclusive.
3- left 4 dead will remain exclusive for 360 ( dont count the PC version ).
4- blue ray player for 360 ( i think its already done .. link:;title;5 ).

5- heavy rain will come to 360.

this is a guess only dont take it seriously ..... also i feel sorry for sony

if u have other guesses post it.


My guess is that u'll be very dissapointed and will miss half of those games if u keep waiting for them, and if u want blu-ray u would have to buy a blu-ray player or a ps3

F.U. Fun University.

gera4390 said:
NNN2004 said:

i knew it .. i said it before .. and this is a link:;thumb;1

now for my other guesses

1- MGS4 on the way to the 360.
2- FF XIII versus no longer exclusive.
3- left 4 dead will remain exclusive for 360 ( dont count the PC version ).
4- blue ray player for 360 ( i think its already done .. link:;title;5 ).

5- heavy rain will come to 360.

this is a guess only dont take it seriously ..... also i feel sorry for sony

if u have other guesses post it.


My guess is that u'll be very dissapointed and will miss half of those games if u keep waiting for them, and if u want blu-ray u would have to buy a blu-ray player or a ps3


 already have a ps3 man .. u dont notice my PSN card ?