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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Some new White Knight Chronicle Info

Yes we know ,there have been videos of the character editor in action recreating japanese pop idols as the main party.

The co-op is not just co-op ....its online co-op.Definitely a novelty in JRPG.

As for the 100 hours ....its true most FF games manage that.FF games that havent been released this generation.I dont know very well TOV or Tales of the New World...dont know if they get to 100 hours.But in all honesty any JRPG can be claimed to last 100 leave the character someplace and go to bed and then you continue playing ,you do that several days and you are at 30 hours of gaming and still in the first city.

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I am not saying "X console cant handle it" ,I am saying just that for JRPG this is a first.

For example Fable II will have co-op online ...although not from start.But it isnt a JRPG is it?

I CANNOT have heard that right, this game will have ENGLISH SUB right of the bat with the jap release????? Are you certain of this? Can you quote a source? This would be the single most revolutionary thing any big budget JRPG has ever done.

More revolutionary would be to actually launch the damn things simultaneously worldwide. Considering how long development takes these days, and what a small part of the process localization is, I have no idea why this isn't the standard already.

With toned down graphics and lack of HD, any 360/PS3 game this gen could have been done on a PS2/XBOX.

Of the next-gen (new-gen?) games I've played (which isn't many), so far Assassin's Creed couldn't have been done on the last generation of consoles. A massive city where you can climb a tower and look for a kilometer into the distance, with everything you see being accessible... impossible until now. Same goes for the climbing mechanic, where the game automatically moves you across a vertical surface with convincing animations.

LittleBigPlanet probably also belongs on this list, but since it's technically not released maybe I shouldn't mention it. It might have been doable in 2D a la World of Goo, but I don't think we could have seen a fully 3D rendered world with this size, complexity, and quality of physics running smoothly in the past.

While I don't care about the co-op, this game is going to be f'in AWWWWWESOME!

It's all about the game.

Diomedes1976 said:
Well ,I wont put much more time in this.

But consider simply this:

1)WKC allows you to create nearly all your party ,not only the main character.Older games that allowed you to create you character were way more limited and in the western RPG mould of classes and races and standard weaponry.The editor here is far ,far more advanced.Like it or not this is a step in the right direction.

2)Co-op gameplay is a definite plus and innovation for the genre.

3)100 hour+ of gameplay its the first JRPG of the generation to offer something like that.

4)Its the first JRPG ever to feature 1080p graphics.

All that toghether puts this a step beyond any RPG released yet.

You are only allowed to create one member of your party, and it is not one of the main characters.


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makingmusic476 said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Well ,I wont put much more time in this.

But consider simply this:

1)WKC allows you to create nearly all your party ,not only the main character.Older games that allowed you to create you character were way more limited and in the western RPG mould of classes and races and standard weaponry.The editor here is far ,far more advanced.Like it or not this is a step in the right direction.

2)Co-op gameplay is a definite plus and innovation for the genre.

3)100 hour+ of gameplay its the first JRPG of the generation to offer something like that.

4)Its the first JRPG ever to feature 1080p graphics.

All that toghether puts this a step beyond any RPG released yet.

You are only allowed to create one member of your party, and it is not one of the main characters.


Yes, Lenard (the main character) is not the one you create.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

This game keeps on getting better and better. Can't wait to see some new footage at TGS.

got some scan from Famitsu,confirmed for online Co op.


Did that say *something* big 16 ppl and *something* big 4 ppl??? Co-op? Translation please! T_T

mibuokami said:
Did that say *something* big 16 ppl and *something* big 4 ppl??? Co-op? Translation please! T_T

My japanese is very basic, but I can understamd:

4 player online quest mode

Avatar of 16 people something I can't understand

Seamless transition between "Story part" and "Live part" (whatever that means)