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Forums - General Discussion - Obama: "I've now been in 57 states"

I can't see this as anything but a slip of the tongue. You would have to be a whole nother level of stupid to not know how many states there are after living here, and I don't even think Bush is that dumb, and I'm pretty GD liberal.


Around the Network
stof said:
Ok, that's an alright slip.

I prefer this one though.


 hahahahahaha thats hilarious! the funniest part of it is NDP will NEVER as long as i live be elected! Or God help Canada if they are. They will screw up the economy worse than it is now i guarentee it.

McCain flip-flops:

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Where is akuma?

coolestguyever said:
and here's the remix:

That's just a ROFL right there.

I can't beleive he would slip somethung like that out.

