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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tomb RaiderUW: X360 exclusive DLC

A strange choice. Fallout 3 ok, GTA ok, but Tomb Raider Hmmz. I wonder if their are many people who are going to care about it. They better did a deal for COD 5. Exclusive DLC that contains MP maps that would be something people care about.

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I couldn't get into the older games and it gets worse as time goes by considering it's gameplay mechanics. However, I rented and played through Anniversary and I found it to be rather enjoyable. Sure, it had problems with combat (R1 isn't a good mash button), the camera and how it liked to lead you to your instant doom, and the stupid button sequences. Not exactly a perfect game, but it was now much more approachable for me compared to the older games.

On topic, all I can say is meh. Should it make somebody feel like they have a 'superior' version that they'll be able to pay for content that really should have been in the game (or not at all) anyway? It would seem that this is the likely path since console exclusive games are becoming fewer and fewer.

RolStoppable said:
darthdevidem01 said:
URNotE said:
its not an unusual choice they're going after the ps2 fanbase remember

Sorry but Tomb Raider went down in the PS2 era....if anything Tomb Raider left a bitter taste in the mouths of PS2 owners who were hoping for it to be similar to the fantastic Ps1 TR games.

Tomb Raider went already down during the PS1 era, the first PS2 game was just the final nail in the coffin for the popularity of the franchise. After that the development for future games was given into the hands of Crystal Dynamics who changed the gameplay for the better. The tank controls are gone, the best part of Ubisoft's Prince of Persia games (the climbing) has been copied and in my opinion it's better made in TR than in PoP.

The Tomb Raider games from Crystal Dynamics are better than the ones from Core Design, but the Lara Croft hype is dead today.

I was actually a fan of ALL the PS1 TR's.

I felt PS2's "The Angel Of Darkness" was the final blow


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

That's nice. Legend was the best Tomb Raider in ages and this sequel looks very promising.

Old good darthdevidem01...
Fan of every single PS1 game which happened to get ruined as a franchise in the PS2 era (because it went multi).
You repeat yourself and it gets boring.
But you said it yourself. Angel of Darkness was catastrophic. Tell me then, why someone shouldn't like (or better, love) Legend?
Ok, guys, got your point. Don't buy or play EVERY game that is on the market since the PS1 era, cause "these were the good old times and the good old games"
(according to your profile, you were ...7 years old at that time, right? Just wanted to make sure)

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Legend and Anniversary were very good. I never played the series back in the day, but picked up legend and could not put it down. Looking forward to underworld, the videos have been VERY good.

this is real funny, you have much to learn microsoft! NO ONE CARES ABOUT DLC!






This whole exclusive DLC thing is pretty crappy. Especially with the first episode coming out this december.

What's up with that?

The game comes out in a few weeks, but it needs Episodic content 2 months later? Why not just put it in the game?

That's so fucking stupid.

I should buy the PS3 version on my future PS3 just to do the exact opposite of what this is supposed to do. At least then, I'd have a complete version of the game. Not be nickel and dimed to death.

tomb raider legend and tomb raider:anniversary were very good games, best in the series, and this new tomb raider looks very good too me, cant wait to get the game.





I think this is a good move for Microsoft especially considering the costs of securing exclusivity of major third party games. It helps to put a multiplatform game in the 360's favor (much like timed exclusives are doing for them).