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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Comprehensive Console JRPG Thread.

Points of interest for RPG fans:

-Of the 360's and PS3's 9 major RPGs, 4 are multiplatform. Of the Wii's 16 major RPGs all are exclusive except Echoes of Time, which is multiplat with the DS.

-Of the 360's RPGs 4 are first party. Of the PS3 and Wii RPGs all are third party except for 1 game on each console.

-The 360 has no SRPGs aside from the 3 unanimously hated ones. It has the best selection of turn-based RPGs.

-Action RPGs in general are much more common than turn-based in the modern console market.

-The Wii only has one turn-based RPG, but is the only console to branch outside the traditional JRPG game types (Action, Strategy, and Turn-based).

Added to the topic.

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and some of the wii games look very cute

superkasei said:
superkasei said:
And the best are on X360 (Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean the last hope, and Final Fantasy XIII) i am pretty happy :)


Esos no han sido lanzados, pueden ser malos juegos

Those are not launched yet, they can be bad games.

El lost Odyssey es un excelente juego de hecho te lo recomiendo un buen la verdad es que si esta bien bueno el juego, el Star Ocean es una saga que he seguido desde el 2 en psone asi que te aseguro que va a ser un excelente juego, y los Final Fantasy los he jugado desde el primero (el XI no lo he jugado pero yo tan siquiera lo considero un final fantasy) y he jugado varios remakes el ultimo que jugue fue el final fantasy III en el DS, de hecho solo faltaria uno de los quiero en mi 360, y ese el el Dragon Quest IX, pero ese lo voy a jugar en mi grandiosa DS, y Pokemon tambien esta bien bueno :)


En la futura por favor no hablas solo en espanol fuera de la Habelmos En Espanol thread. La mayoria no lo entienden, y es rudo excluir los.

And I have to agree that so far the 360 has the better JRPGs (excluding handhelds), but then again it's just about the only system that has any to speak of. (You might want to take off FF XIII, though, seeing as how it's not out yet.) Of course, if you're into Strategy RPGs then it's the PS3 you'll want to buy at the moment, while it's starting to seem like the majority of JRPGs are going to migrate to the Wii.

And personally speaking, I'm not a big fan of Star Ocean. I'd put Tales of Vesperia in its place, but hey, it's your list.


Good list, but do we even know ANYTHING about Dynamic Slash?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Nice list, naz. And, Tales of Vesperia is amazing. I finished it yesterday. I loved every minute of it.

Recommend it to every JRPG fan. Namco-Bandai got one more fan anxiously waiting the next Tales game.

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The Last Remnant is a turned based jRPG

Final Fantasy XIII is said to be turn based, but I think we will get info on that at TGS

Khuutra said:
outlawauron said:
superkasei said:
And the best are on X360 (Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean the last hope, and Final Fantasy XIII) i am pretty happy :)


Esos no han sido lanzados, pueden ser malos juegos

Those are not launched yet, they can be bad games.

Just like Pokemon is a bad game. 


See, everyone can have their own hopes and opinions.

Saying that games that aren't out yet may or may not be good is more of an observation than an opinion.

I said hopes and opinions.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

did u get that valhala one? looks pretty good for wii with 2 player online co-op

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


superkasei said:
And the best are on X360 (Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean the last hope, and Final Fantasy XIII) i am pretty happy :)


Esos no han sido lanzados, pueden ser malos juegos

Those are not launched yet, they can be bad games.


Impossible. It's Star Ocean.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

^its impossible for FF too.

even a bad FF tis a 5 million seller 12 and x-2.


+1 respect naznatips.