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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can piracy be a good thing?

pbroy said:
invisible29 said:
i agree cuz in asia games are soooooo overpriced so people rarely but them and they buy pirated games. Most of the people in asia buy pirated games. If they are no pirated games for a console,most of the people wont buy the console.



That is very true.

Once again, if people are only buying the system and pirated games, then there is little or no profit for the manufacturer. I'm sorry but that's just not right, you don't have a god given right to play games.  If you feel so sorry for Asian gamers, then why don't you make some pen pals in Asia and donate games to them.

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if you are for piracy how about this.

how about i go to your place of work (most likely mcdonalds by the way some of you pro pirate freaks are carrying on..), decide your stuff Sucks, steal everything and hand it out to everyone. Then turn around and expect you to reheat my burger, or fix up a faulty equipment..

Thats basically what pro pirate gamers are demanding. they steal software, people's lives here, give it out for nothing, then bitch and whine when companies stop selling stuff on their platform or don't patch stuff etc.

if you think games are expensive and you can't afford the game.. Don't buy it, don't pirate it, just accept you can't get it and go without because thats how its meant to work. If you can't afford to game, then you can't game. IT ISN'T YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO GAME!


NightstrikerX said:
I heavily, Heavily disagree. Piracy is never a good thing, any pirate who claims to be a gamer using naught but pirated games needs to go to prison or get a hefty fine. Piracy damages the very gaming industry that I, and everyone else should pay 40-60 bucks a game for.

Don't wanna pay that much? Wait to buy it used or for it to drop in price.

I don't believe piracy was a hardware pusher. It does more damage than good.

Wow, you need to grow up and get out into the world.  The VAST majority of pirates live in 3rd world nations and live off of a four digit anual salary.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

ChichiriMuyo said:
NightstrikerX said:
I heavily, Heavily disagree. Piracy is never a good thing, any pirate who claims to be a gamer using naught but pirated games needs to go to prison or get a hefty fine. Piracy damages the very gaming industry that I, and everyone else should pay 40-60 bucks a game for.

Don't wanna pay that much? Wait to buy it used or for it to drop in price.

I don't believe piracy was a hardware pusher. It does more damage than good.

Wow, you need to grow up and get out into the world.  The VAST majority of pirates live in 3rd world nations and live off of a four digit anual salary.



Lets be honest here, they have more pressing issues to worry about then finding gaming to be as expensive as a yearly wage over there.


Sure, piracy is sometimes a good thing. Not always - if you can afford to pay the creators, you really should do so. But sometimes borrowing is just that - borrowing.

Here's why: 80% of the planet lives in less than $400 a month. They may be highly educated, sophisticated folks with a world-class media culture, but they can't afford $60 games or $30 DVDs. Pirating makes sense - they get their media, and eventually buy the hardware, while the creators aren't hurt, because sales at $60 levels wouldn't be significant in places like rural India.

Have libraries destroyed books? No, they make the book industry possible, by creating new readers. Piracy or copying for 80% of the planet is a good thing.

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SlorgNet said:

Sure, piracy is sometimes a good thing. Not always - if you can afford to pay the creators, you really should do so. But sometimes borrowing is just that - borrowing.

Here's why: 80% of the planet lives in less than $400 a month. They may be highly educated, sophisticated folks with a world-class media culture, but they can't afford $60 games or $30 DVDs. Pirating makes sense - they get their media, and eventually buy the hardware, while the creators aren't hurt, because sales at $60 levels wouldn't be significant in places like rural India.

Have libraries destroyed books? No, they make the book industry possible, by creating new readers. Piracy or copying for 80% of the planet is a good thing.


I'm sorry some of your logic there is just, there is no logic... no sorry its just thief, its like saying stealing chairs, food and cars is a good thing for the planet. Its a retarded notion.

Alot of people have commented on piracy has helped X console sell.. well its developers that build the game, and fair few of the good games aren't build by internal development teams at MS/sony. you steal games and buy the hardware, well mr hardware maker is ok, but mr software writer who is the core reason why you buy the hardware in the first place, goes bust.


Shinlock said:
ChichiriMuyo said:
NightstrikerX said:
I heavily, Heavily disagree. Piracy is never a good thing, any pirate who claims to be a gamer using naught but pirated games needs to go to prison or get a hefty fine. Piracy damages the very gaming industry that I, and everyone else should pay 40-60 bucks a game for.

Don't wanna pay that much? Wait to buy it used or for it to drop in price.

I don't believe piracy was a hardware pusher. It does more damage than good.

Wow, you need to grow up and get out into the world.  The VAST majority of pirates live in 3rd world nations and live off of a four digit anual salary.



Lets be honest here, they have more pressing issues to worry about then finding gaming to be as expensive as a yearly wage over there.


i live in a third world country.

and no we have 5 digits salaries.

but even so people prefer the cheapest they can get.


I would like to tell you about a kick ass developing house called Iron Lore. They created Titan Quest and its expansion and worked on the Warhammer 40k RTS. The games didn't sell big, but they made money, Titan Quest went gold (500,000 copies sold) and for that game it was more than enough to make money (if you have played it you would know) but the anti piracy measures they put in the game made the game shut down if you played the pirated copy (among other things). So what happened is you have a bunch of asshole pirates spouting off all over the internet about how Titian Quest is a buggy pos when in fact the opposite is true, they just get that because they stole the game. That cost Iron Lore sales. So when time came for Iron Lore to try to find funding for their next project, what do publishers see? They see a company that sold well and made some money, but people "hated" the game because it was "buggy" and they couldn't find funding and closed down. Not to mention the fact that these pirates had the nerve to go to the official forums and tell developers that the game is buggy, no I didn't steal it how dare you imply that. I would like some of you "pro pirates" try to explain that one away. You guys cost a bunch of good people their jobs and we lose an awesome developer and one of the few that were still pc exclusive.

Jo21 said:
craighopkins said:
Piracy is stealing. And thats a bad thing.



So making back up copies is piracy. So every time you make a back up copy you are pirating. lol

Theft is stealing the original copy. Theft and piracy are two differnt things.