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if you are for piracy how about this.

how about i go to your place of work (most likely mcdonalds by the way some of you pro pirate freaks are carrying on..), decide your stuff Sucks, steal everything and hand it out to everyone. Then turn around and expect you to reheat my burger, or fix up a faulty equipment..

Thats basically what pro pirate gamers are demanding. they steal software, people's lives here, give it out for nothing, then bitch and whine when companies stop selling stuff on their platform or don't patch stuff etc.

if you think games are expensive and you can't afford the game.. Don't buy it, don't pirate it, just accept you can't get it and go without because thats how its meant to work. If you can't afford to game, then you can't game. IT ISN'T YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO GAME!