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SlorgNet said:

Sure, piracy is sometimes a good thing. Not always - if you can afford to pay the creators, you really should do so. But sometimes borrowing is just that - borrowing.

Here's why: 80% of the planet lives in less than $400 a month. They may be highly educated, sophisticated folks with a world-class media culture, but they can't afford $60 games or $30 DVDs. Pirating makes sense - they get their media, and eventually buy the hardware, while the creators aren't hurt, because sales at $60 levels wouldn't be significant in places like rural India.

Have libraries destroyed books? No, they make the book industry possible, by creating new readers. Piracy or copying for 80% of the planet is a good thing.


I'm sorry some of your logic there is just, there is no logic... no sorry its just thief, its like saying stealing chairs, food and cars is a good thing for the planet. Its a retarded notion.

Alot of people have commented on piracy has helped X console sell.. well its developers that build the game, and fair few of the good games aren't build by internal development teams at MS/sony. you steal games and buy the hardware, well mr hardware maker is ok, but mr software writer who is the core reason why you buy the hardware in the first place, goes bust.