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Forums - Sales Discussion - BD loses ground to DVD even with $199 BD players

Gnac said:
markers said:
1) no my estimates are about right. HDTV has been around for some years now and it will be selling very well this holiday season straight through '09 and i can almost bet HDTV will be in the majority of peoples homes worldwide.

2) they can make more money by putting everything they would normally put on 5 dvd's in 1 blu-ray. for example lets take the hit tv show House. season two of house cost roughly $40 and it takes up 6 dvd's...

if you were to cram those 6 dvd's on 1 blu-ray and still sell it for roughly $40 then you are making more of a profit. reason? well you get rid of 5 useless disks saving you money, letting you make more money. heck sense its blu-ray and "hi-def" you can price it at $50. this is just a small example of why the 50gb is a better choice for studios/game developers imo

1) You wrote "standard", now you're using majority. Well weaselled. Also, how can you "almost" bet on something? Are you not sure if your estimate will be true by the end of 2009? HDTV will most certainly be in more homes, but it will take more years of gradual acceptance and declining costs of new sets for it to be accepted as the standard by everyone.

2) But using Blu-ray for SD content is not really working to its strengths. The consumer cares little if the disc holds 50Gb; they won't ever use it in a situation where that figure matters. Blu-ray is for HD content, for those HDTVs that are supposed to be standardised. And I really doubt a publisher that can buy blank DVDs / cases in such obscene bulk amounts as to make them almost worthless gives a fig about saving money on them.

1) standard = majority, when more than half (majority) does something/ or buys something then its a standard. and i said i can almost bet because you would probably foolish enough to accept it and im too nice to allow you to lose something you might charish, but seriously you have never heard the experssion "i can almost bet"? just basically (in this case) means i would bet but cannot because of certain reasons. and these reasons are because we dont live anywhere close to each other nor do we ever see one another, and its lame to bet on changing sigs/avatars.


2) i never said anything about the consumer caring for the 50gb on the disc. what i said its ideal for the studious/game developers to switch to blu-ray to take advantage of the 50gb. this would then translate to happier consumers though, with more content or added features that you wouldnt see in a dvd...or atleast without more than 1 dvd. besides it saves them money to have to use only 1 disc its that simple.


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frybread said:
markers said:
if you were to cram those 6 dvd's on 1 blu-ray and still sell it for roughly $40 then you are making more of a profit. reason? well you get rid of 5 useless disks saving you money, letting you make more money. heck sense its blu-ray and "hi-def" you can price it at $50. this is just a small example of why the 50gb is a better choice for studios/game developers imo

Hahaha, you're forgetting that a blank 50GB blu-ray disc costs much more than a DVD.  For example, on the consumer market a 50GB Blu Ray is $15 - $20 each, while a blank DVD is 30 cents to $1



 hahahahaha your forgetting they can get away for selling it $5-20 more and still come out making more money than they would. plus your forgetting the packaging of the 6 dvd's. it has to bigger. so you cut that cost too. you have to be blind or ignorant to not see how this saves money/ gives more profit to studios/game developers

frybread said:
markers said:
if you were to cram those 6 dvd's on 1 blu-ray and still sell it for roughly $40 then you are making more of a profit. reason? well you get rid of 5 useless disks saving you money, letting you make more money. heck sense its blu-ray and "hi-def" you can price it at $50. this is just a small example of why the 50gb is a better choice for studios/game developers imo

Hahaha, you're forgetting that a blank 50GB blu-ray disc costs much more than a DVD.  For example, on the consumer market a 50GB Blu Ray is $15 - $20 each, while a blank DVD is 30 cents to $1



a very good point, but remember how much blank DVD's were when compared to blank CD's when DVD came out?

the same goes for Blu-ray vs. DVD equipment i'm sure.


Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Passenger57 said:
I saw this coming even with the death of HD-DVD, the confusion of having 2 hd formats was too much for the general public. I personally would not pay more that a hundred dollars for any kind of movie playback device.

This past weekend, I hung out with my SIL. She got a Blu Ray player, Sony, and a wicked Philips LCD with 120hz AutoMotion Plus. I thought exactly as you do. After painfully knowing she had the BR player hooked up via Composite cables, I donated my HDMI cable. Threw in Ratatioulle and she was like 'WOW. I notice a HUGE DIFFERENCE!' I sat back and mesmirized. I have never seen a BR disc running at 1080p with auto motion plus. It was a work of art.

Unfortunately, many stores don't show anything at 1080p consistently. Forget seeing 1080p at Wal-Mart, Target and only a few places, the bigger ones (Best Buy, Frys) will show something in full HD. And folks will buy a sick set, a BR player - hitting over $2K easily - and take home some patch cables.

Sony deserves to be moving BR's slower than usual. They show how much they care about their customers with measlily patch cables.

All I know is - I want a set like that for Christmas. If I hustle, I know I'll land one for Christmas this year. (I don't do credit - just cash or my loot from my biz)


markers said:

1) standard = majority, when more than half (majority) does something/ or buys something then its a standard. and i said i can almost bet because you would probably foolish enough to accept it and im too nice to allow you to lose something you might charish, but seriously you have never heard the experssion "i can almost bet"? just basically (in this case) means i would bet but cannot because of certain reasons. and these reasons are because we dont live anywhere close to each other nor do we ever see one another, and its lame to bet on changing sigs/avatars.


2) i never said anything about the consumer caring for the 50gb on the disc. what i said its ideal for the studious/game developers to switch to blu-ray to take advantage of the 50gb. this would then translate to happier consumers though, with more content or added features that you wouldnt see in a dvd...or atleast without more than 1 dvd. besides it saves them money to have to use only 1 disc its that simple.



1) That is not a standard phrase used by the majority of people.

2) Ah, now we're not referring to just TV shows anymore. In a thread about TVs and standalone Blu-ray players, I hadn't considered that you'd go that far to justify it as the next dominant format. And you appear to have not heard of Economies of Scale.



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Gnac said:
markers said:

1) standard = majority, when more than half (majority) does something/ or buys something then its a standard. and i said i can almost bet because you would probably foolish enough to accept it and im too nice to allow you to lose something you might charish, but seriously you have never heard the experssion "i can almost bet"? just basically (in this case) means i would bet but cannot because of certain reasons. and these reasons are because we dont live anywhere close to each other nor do we ever see one another, and its lame to bet on changing sigs/avatars.


2) i never said anything about the consumer caring for the 50gb on the disc. what i said its ideal for the studious/game developers to switch to blu-ray to take advantage of the 50gb. this would then translate to happier consumers though, with more content or added features that you wouldnt see in a dvd...or atleast without more than 1 dvd. besides it saves them money to have to use only 1 disc its that simple.



1) That is not a standard phrase used by the majority of people.

2) Ah, now we're not referring to just TV shows anymore. In a thread about TVs and standalone Blu-ray players, I hadn't considered that you'd go that far to justify it as the next dominant format. And you appear to have not heard of Economies of Scale.


1) see now you got it standard = majority :D

2) huh? if you read my posts i never just refered to tv shows, i used it as my sole example but never just refered to tv shows. please explain how economies of scale is an exception form of arguement? yes i know what it is just dont get your point in referring to it when blu-ray disc of course cost more, because it just came out a year ago.

I said all along when both HDDVD and BLU RAY were first starting that niether would last more than 4 years. the trouble is people dont want to replace their entire library of 2-300 DVDs all over again.

I download HD films for £7.99/month and it's unlimited. I couldnt care less if there is a slight difference in quality because it still kicks the arse off my DVD's picture.

Downloads of films in HD have gained more ground this year than BD. Heres an incerpt from earlier in the year:

The trouble is Sony had to put downloads available on PS3 as well. And it is so much easier to start a download and watch it 5 mins later than go to town to either buy or rent. Eventually I also see Blockbuster and the like closing down shops.

This following link is the best article I have seen recently and goes to show that even the movie industry is thinking downloads.

First Blue Ray test will be next week when the first blockbuster of this season releases in DVD and Blue Ray.
I'm speaking of Iron Man.

I expect Blue Ray to represent 15%+ of the sales for that title.

And whoever said Blue Ray prices were 35-50$ needs a reality check.

BD movies are 22-33$ at Best Buy..( new releases are around 27$).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

look blu-ray is going to be the final dominant format before everything becomes straight digital download. if you dont like my opinion fine whatever. but i am not going to change my opinion till its proven wrong, and that cant be done for another 5-10 years. so you know my stance and why now i am done with this subject :]

markers said:
look blu-ray is going to be the final dominant format before everything becomes straight digital download. if you dont like my opinion fine whatever. but i am not going to change my opinion till its proven wrong, and that cant be done for another 5-10 years. so you know my stance and why now i am done with this subject :]

All I'll say is the industry believes its on the way out now. Plenty of articles around web. and I believe only in another 2 years. Sales are already on the way down.