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Forums - Sales Discussion - I figured out why the Wii's attach rate is lower than it could be

theprof00 said:
hah bolero, you bring so much good material to the site.
Nice how you don't even say anything in any thread, just talk about the posters. noone cares (me being someone who is looking out for you!!)

I'm just saying that there are many ways to test things and figure out correlations, and it really depends on which tests you are looking at because they each tell you different things.

some people here would like to only look at one side of the equation, and call the other side "flamebait" or "fanboyism"

Hmm... unless my memory fails me, I remember contributing quite a lot to your pointless thread the other day.  More than I should have actually.  If you want to point out someone who doesn't contribute anything of value, look no further than the mirror.  You propose the dumbest threads, fail to pose a well-formed question, try to present your opinions and emotions as facts, attempt to degrade the arguments of others, and resort to insults when they disagree with your opinions.  I recall you questioning my literacy when I disagreed with 2 of your 3 'Wii is a toy' threads.  (I found that particularly amusing coming from a person who has yet to construct a proper sentence and continuously utilizes poor diction).  In the end, I even doubt your reasoning capabilities; you went as far as implying in one of your redundant threads that a friend request is synonymous with agreement.  But please, keep posting!  You make me lol every once in a while.  

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

Around the Network

maybe its because wii has only like 5 good games? there i just figured it out

I own 34 Wii games, including 1 WiiWare and 4 VC

Try Rage Of Bahamut ! Free trading card and RPG game on ITunes / Android. Use Code : Laa49998 

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I have 13 games:


Wii SportsWii PlayWii FitSuper Mario GalaxyExcite TruckSuper Paper MarioMetroid Prime 3Zelda TPSuper Smash Bros Brawl

Zack & WikiBoom BloxMadden 07Trauma Center

Plus 5 VC games.  I'm planning on at least 4 more games this year (RBII or GH4, AC, de Blob and Disaster if it comes out before January)

BoleroOfFire said:
theprof00 said:
hah bolero, you bring so much good material to the site.
Nice how you don't even say anything in any thread, just talk about the posters. noone cares (me being someone who is looking out for you!!)

I'm just saying that there are many ways to test things and figure out correlations, and it really depends on which tests you are looking at because they each tell you different things.

some people here would like to only look at one side of the equation, and call the other side "flamebait" or "fanboyism"

Hmm... unless my memory fails me, I remember contributing quite a lot to your pointless thread the other day.  More than I should have actually.  If you want to point out someone who doesn't contribute anything of value, look no further than the mirror.  You propose the dumbest threads, fail to pose a well-formed question, try to present your opinions and emotions as facts, attempt to degrade the arguments of others, and resort to insults when they disagree with your opinions.  I recall you questioning my literacy when I disagreed with 2 of your 3 'Wii is a toy' threads.  (I found that particularly amusing coming from a person who has yet to construct a proper sentence and continuously utilizes poor diction).  In the end, I even doubt your reasoning capabilities; you went as far as implying in one of your redundant threads that a friend request is synonymous with agreement.  But please, keep posting!  You make me lol every once in a while.  

yeah you contributed a lot of: "Games are toys stupid"; obviously a logical and intelligent conversation.
nice one on the mirror thing btw.

I proposed, no, stated, that miyamoto thought there was a difference in games and toys, and then i agreed with him.

i questioned your literacy because you "changed" key words in my statements. Do not make me go quote them, toy.

wow, criticizing my word choice. you poor sod.

well i got messages saying they agreed. But you know, you can continue being wrong, or you can stop arguing and wait for me to be wrong again instead of digging this up over and over, which is what i see you doing for every comment i make. :P

PS: sheathe your sword Webster/Mirriam/Oxford whatever you call yourself.
PPS: i created you and i can destroy you *shakes fist*


Around the Network

Regardless of the lackluster OP the thread is A+ on anti-logic, I laughed and I cried and now I'm going to go play Sim City Wii, hasta luego.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

RolStoppable said:
coolestguyever said:
maybe its because wii has only like 5 good games? there i just figured it out

You are indirectly bashing the PS3 with your post. The PS3s attach rate is lower than the Wii's with Wii Sports removed:

If you remove Wii Play as well, the Wii's attach rate is still a little higher. So please stop implying things like the PS3 has only like 5 good games.

Don't ever change, Rol!

theprof00 said:
BoleroOfFire said:
theprof00 said:
hah bolero, you bring so much good material to the site.
Nice how you don't even say anything in any thread, just talk about the posters. noone cares (me being someone who is looking out for you!!)

I'm just saying that there are many ways to test things and figure out correlations, and it really depends on which tests you are looking at because they each tell you different things.

some people here would like to only look at one side of the equation, and call the other side "flamebait" or "fanboyism"

Hmm... unless my memory fails me, I remember contributing quite a lot to your pointless thread the other day. More than I should have actually. If you want to point out someone who doesn't contribute anything of value, look no further than the mirror. You propose the dumbest threads, fail to pose a well-formed question, try to present your opinions and emotions as facts, attempt to degrade the arguments of others, and resort to insults when they disagree with your opinions. I recall you questioning my literacy when I disagreed with 2 of your 3 'Wii is a toy' threads. (I found that particularly amusing coming from a person who has yet to construct a proper sentence and continuously utilizes poor diction). In the end, I even doubt your reasoning capabilities; you went as far as implying in one of your redundant threads that a friend request is synonymous with agreement. But please, keep posting! You make me lol every once in a while.

1. yeah you contributed a lot of: "Games are toys stupid"; obviously a logical and intelligent conversation.
nice one on the mirror thing btw.

2. I proposed, no, stated, that miyamoto thought there was a difference in games and toys, and then i agreed with him.

3. i questioned your literacy because you "changed" key words in my statements. Do not make me go quote them, toy.

4. wow, criticizing my word choice. you poor sod.

5. well i got messages saying they agreed. But you know, you can continue being wrong, or you can stop arguing and wait for me to be wrong again instead of digging this up over and over, which is what i see you doing for every comment i make. :P

PS: sheathe your sword Webster/Mirriam/Oxford whatever you call yourself.
PPS: i created you and i can destroy you *shakes fist*


1. Using a real DEFINITION to support my argument is logical and intelligent.  Using your OPINION that a video game is not a toy to support your own skewed perception is ignorant.  Thank you for noting that. 

2. Video games fall under a subdivision of toys.  What you or anyone else THINKS is irrelevant to that FACT.  You even tried to use Miyamoto's position in Nintendo as support for your argument.  Who does that?

3 & 4. Double standard, anyone?  You called me illiterate, I retaliated.  Cause and effect.  And seriously, learn how to write.   

5. ZOMG!!! 2 whole people agreed with you?!!!  Go back to your threads, everyone else disagreed with you.  What does that tell you?    Btw, are you admitting that you're wrong at the end of that run-on sentence?

PS - I call myself: BoleroOfFire.

PPS - Ooh, well in that case I take back everything I said!  Please don't smite me, oh mighty 'creator'! 

PPPS - I was being sarcastic in that last statement.  I thought you might have trouble grasping that since you believed this thread was serious.

OT: 12 Wii games and more on the way (hopefully).

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

BoleroOfFire said:
theprof00 said:

. yeah you contributed a lot of: "Games are toys stupid"; obviously a logical and intelligent conversation.
nice one on the mirror thing btw.

2. I proposed, no, stated, that miyamoto thought there was a difference in games and toys, and then i agreed with him.

3. i questioned your literacy because you "changed" key words in my statements. Do not make me go quote them, toy.

4. wow, criticizing my word choice. you poor sod.

5. well i got messages saying they agreed. But you know, you can continue being wrong, or you can stop arguing and wait for me to be wrong again instead of digging this up over and over, which is what i see you doing for every comment i make. :P

PS: sheathe your sword Webster/Mirriam/Oxford whatever you call yourself.
PPS: i created you and i can destroy you *shakes fist*


1. Using a real DEFINITION to support my argument is logical and intelligent.  Using your OPINION that a video game is not a toy to support your own skewed perception is ignorant.  Thank you for noting that. 

2. Video games fall under a subdivision of toys.  What you or anyone else THINKS is irrelevant to that FACT.  You even tried to use Miyamoto's position in Nintendo as support for your argument.  Who does that?

3 & 4. Double standard, anyone?  You called me illiterate, I retaliated.  Cause and effect.  And seriously, learn how to write.   

5. ZOMG!!! 2 whole people agreed with you?!!!  Go back to your threads, everyone else disagreed with you.  What does that tell you?    Btw, are you admitting that you're wrong at the end of that run-on sentence?

PS - I call myself: BoleroOfFire.

PPS - Ooh, well in that case I take back everything I said!  Please don't smite me, oh mighty 'creator'! 

PPPS - I was being sarcastic in that last statement.  I thought you might have trouble grasping that since you believed this thread was serious.

OT: 12 Wii games and more on the way (hopefully).

1. fail, it was about calling me stupid which is trolling, which is all you do
2. fail. anything can be called a toy, even you. I'm just trying to show that there are gradations not just black and white., you retailiated. I called you illiterate, then you retaliated. and now i will post your stupidity.

posted at 21:09 by myself "i think the wii is like a mickyd's burger."
posted at 21:26 by myself: "no i don't think it falls into "fastfood" i think ps360 would be more like peas potatoes and some kinda meat."
posted at 21:33 by Bolero " A Mickey D's meal also has fruit, potatoes and 'some kinda meat': tomatoes, fries and beef."
posted at 23:55 by myself "well i see you can't read now"

as you can all see i said burger, and erhem "BOLERO" changed it to meal....

4) tell me what was wrong with what I wrote. Are you seriously going to attack me for clear, but, incorrectly punctated material that i've posted on the internet....? If you think "5)" was a run on sentence..... nevermind. I feel sorry for you. A sentence isn't a run on because it is a complex sentence hahahahahha. I can say "I went to my car and then ate a salad and then walked around and then took a shower and then...." ad infinitum and it still isn't a run on sentence!

and yes i am admitting i'm wrong; wrong in the way i presented my material. I am still nervous about the future of the industry because sony and MS are going to follow this nintendo model of focusing on the casual. Which, may I remind you, is something they have stated implicitly.

5) yeah, people disagreed. I know, it isn't easy for me to coherently say something against the majority without being attacked for it.
I'm learning from all this how to express my opinions and i've learned a lot. The first time i made a thread about this topic YOU created an account just to respond to it. I thought, hey maybe that was a little too much flamebait if people are joining just to point out my weaknesses, but after reading so much twestern," it isn't good unless there's controversy".
So, I thought, "Hmm i should tone it down a bit, because that was kind of accusatory". So then I created this thread, and then realized that i wanted to make another point but then i didn't want to muddle this thread so i made another on a similar, but different idea.

PS: i call you Webster, because you said i had to work on my diction. Diction is not grammar. But you seem to think it is. This shows lack of diction on your part. Diction is choice of words, not grammar, in regard to clarity.

PPS: that was lame, try harder.

PPPS: As I clarified in my posts I said I'm not sure where Rol is going when he says things like this. Is it just for laughs? Was he serious when he originally thought of it? It seems like it stems from actual intent but became a joke. I simply responded with "I think some gamers simply buy 30 games, and some buy 0" and i somehow got dragged into this debacle. I must thank you for that  :P

We should get back on topic.