I am currently working on the platinum for Division. Definitely grindy, and not really working too hard towards it as I am also trying to get the gear up a bit as well, but I figure it will come eventually.
I am currently working on the platinum for Division. Definitely grindy, and not really working too hard towards it as I am also trying to get the gear up a bit as well, but I figure it will come eventually.
Miguel_Zorro said:
Sorry if this is in a previous post - I know you used to assign the platinum ratings manually. How are you doing it right now? |
Previously, I would manually assign a platinum difficulty rating to a game based on the average found in the "Platinum Difficulty Rating" threads on playstationtrophies.org.
Now, the platinum difficulty ratings are pulled automatically from psntrophyleaders.com and are based on the rarity of the platinum trophy. The smaller the percentage of people to earn the platinum trophy, the higher the platinum rating.
The weekly update may come later this week. I'm running into an issue with the latest version of the application ghettoglamour has provided me. It's probably something minor on my end that I need to update.
KylieDog said: Not an exact science is putting it too kindly. It flat out doesn't represent how hard a platinum is at all. Small selling games with a hard plat but dedicated fanbase end up with the trophies being too common, large selling games with a grindy but easy plat end up too rare. |
I get what you're saying. It's interesting, however, that it still kinda works out in the big picture. For example, you're still #1 even with the fewest plats out of those in the top 5, and with a average rarity of 22%, which is relatively low and representative of your average in the previous system. Tbone, obviously known for getting hard plats, has an average of 16.3%, which sounds quite right.
On the other end, I've got an average rarity of 32.6% -- quite high but not as high as Dark Odin (34.5%), which is exactly as it was in the old system too. And we're both not as high as resident trophy hunting machine/whore (no offense) who has the average of 38.5%, which also sounds about right.
When looking at trophy rarities individually, some of them indeed may not be the most accurate representation. But when taking a whole collection into account, the culmulative result doesn't seem that far off, is all I'm saying. I'm not too fussed about it either way, and so I think I'll just leave the decision to the guy who has to do the updates on a weekly basis.
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
KylieDog said:
Not an exact science is putting it too kindly. It flat out doesn't represent how hard a platinum is at all. Small selling games with a hard plat but dedicated fanbase end up with the trophies being too common, large selling games with a grindy but easy plat end up too rare.
Get the data from Arcs difficulty file, not from any website. |
This would mean an assload of manual work to assign the existing difficulty ratings from Arc's file to the new app's database to begin with. You can't do this automatically.
After that, Arc would still need to figure out which games don't have a rating yet, go to playstationtrophies.org, find the game, find the thread with the difficulty, pick the difficulty he thinks is the most prominent and enter it in the new app - or enter the URL to the thread and let the app calculate the average difficulty.
Either way, it would still require a lot of work. Arc has done it for 8 years and from what I've been hearing from him, he's very happy he doesn't have to do it anymore.
The new method of calculating the leaderboard might have pros and cons vs. the old difficulty points - I like that time consuming plats are more rewarding with rarity for example, but not having to do anything manually crushes every argument against it.
ghettoglamour said: This would mean an assload of manual work to assign the existing difficulty ratings from Arc's file to the new app's database to begin with. You can't do this automatically. |
You must be stating this oddly, because mapping a value from a source to a database value is a very easy thing to do programatically, assuming there's a consistent mapping.
You'd still have the problem of having to manually add new games and stuff though.
fadetoone said:
You must be stating this oddly, because mapping a value from a source to a database value is a very easy thing to do programatically, assuming there's a consistent mapping. You'd still have the problem of having to manually add new games and stuff though. |
You guys don't understand that Arc's file won't have the exact games titles as those I pull from the website. If they don't match exactly I can work with partial matches, which will cause a lot of errors (sequels!) and would be even more time consuming than not mapping anything that is not a 100% match.
ghettoglamour said:
You guys don't understand that Arc's file won't have the exact games titles as those I pull from the website. If they don't match exactly I can work with partial matches, which will cause a lot of errors (sequels!) and would be even more time consuming than not mapping anything that is not a 100% match. |
Oh right, the naming difference. I lost track of that in my thinking and was just concerned with the difficulty mapping.
Move along, nothing to see here.
Weekly Update - Mar 29th, 2016
2016 Trophy League Season
VGChartz Playstation Trophy Leaderboard
Platinum Leaderboard
Busiest Members
Platinum Trophies Earned
Thanks Arc for the update...
1122 days to plat uncahrted 3. I'm the slowest gamer ever. :D
Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4