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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Thanks for the update!

My rarest trophy is "Keeper of the Book" (Road Not Taken) at 0.38%. It's actually very recent.

Got 88 ultra-rares in total. Not many compared to Tbone with 267 -- truly a skilled gamer!

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

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working on the plat for ni no kuni, how bad was the post game stuff for those of you who got it?

Wonktonodi said:
working on the plat for ni no kuni, how bad was the post game stuff for those of you who got it?

From what I recall, it wasn't too bad. There was just a fair bit of grinding involved to tame 250 different species, and to alchemize 120 different items.

Miguel_Zorro said:
Arcturus said:

At the moment, we have Diablo III rated as a 2 stars and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls rated as 1 star.

I reviewed the average difficulty ratings on for both games and they currently sit at 3.75 for Diablo III and 3.5 for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. Both of those rating equate to a 1 star rating here (an average of 1 to 3.99 = 1 star). Based on this I will drop Diablo III from 2 stars down to 1 star. Given that more effort is involved in getting the plat for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, I'm willing to bump the rating for it up to 2 stars if no one objects. 

Generally, I think 1 star should be reserved for the easiest of the easy games - something like NCIS or The Walking Dead.

We've discussed this before, but why can't we use a 10 point scale?

There were a few reasons I avoided the 10 point scale:
1. The average platinum ratings on are fluid, especially for new games. Ratings can easily change from 5.2 to 4.8. Having a 5 point scale lessens the frequency of having to make updates to the ratings here.
2. I figured with a 10 point scale there would be an increase in debates over ratings, compared to a 5 point scale. There would be more instances of "If this game is rated as a 5, then this other game should at least be a 6".
3. It wouldn't be a true 10 point scale because all averages are greater than 1, and less than 10. Therefore, how would the scale work?
Between 1 and 1.99 = 1
2 and 2.99 = 2
3 and 3.99 = 3
9 and 9.99 = 9
What about 10? :)

Arcturus said:
Wonktonodi said:
working on the plat for ni no kuni, how bad was the post game stuff for those of you who got it?

From what I recall, it wasn't too bad. There was just a fair bit of grinding involved to tame 250 different species, and to alchemize 120 different items.

ok thanks, I think I'm rather well on my way with both of those. though I'm sure I've only begun to grind.

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Arcturus said:
Carl2291 said:
Hey, can you add my PS4 account please? Any and all invites welcome also.


Thanks for joining.

Thanks for having me


Miguel_Zorro said:
michael_stutzer said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

Whats the point? Its not like you get extra credit for doing it since its considered an easy 100%.

I'm gonna autopop them, just waiting for the DLC to be put on sale before I start the game.

On another note, pleased with my 2014 rank considering it was a university year and I cheaped out on buying games.

It would be interesting to see how peoples completion rates have changed over the year if thats possible Arc. I think mine was around 50%, managed to get it over 65%.

I am in another competition and autopopping is not allowed. I'd normally autopop them as well. Actually I didn't even get that many trophies from the second version, I meant that I played it for the first time instead of an autopopping run. I've got only 6-7 extra trophies from the Vita version.  

Also your completion rate increase is amazing. Mine is generally around 40-45%. I always want to increase it to around 50% but everytime I attempt to increase it, a new game I want comes out. I'll still try to reach 50% before the end of the year though.

I'm in the same competition and can't take advantage of the autopopping for the same reason.

Just checked your performance there, I am 4 trophies ahead of you :P. Your team is way ahead though.

Left only with 2 trophies for Velocity 2X, but damn I won't be able to get Perfect Medals on every level...maybe will try to get Perfects on Critical Urgency levels but still left with 2 to go, level 50 included, it's really fucking hard...

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

mattbfg said:
Hey dj2one I'd be up for destiny stuff, only put few hours in but I like it but the raids/strikes seem to have the most action iv found

Any1 can add me psn: mattbfg

Just saw this will add you tonight, I have two characters going as well one lvl 6 the other 18 so I should be able to match up with you no matter how far you got into the game so far.

Esquoret said:
Thanks for the update!

My rarest trophy is "Keeper of the Book" (Road Not Taken) at 0.38%. It's actually very recent.

Got 88 ultra-rares in total. Not many compared to Tbone with 267 -- truly a skilled gamer!

Thx, but i´m average. Just with much determentation and patience.

Btw: Resident evil remake trophy list