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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Malstrom: Why Wii Music is Genius

dharh said:

@bdbdbd: Except in context game is different than play.  You play a game. You dont play a play.  I am arguing that the terminology is not correct.

Where is there challenge and skill in Wii Music? You can't fail, you don't have to learn anything, you litterally do not have to try.  No im not saying playing a piano or a guitar doesn't require skill. People are not born being able to play Bach the first second they sit at a piano.  After 50 years of playing the piano, there is still the 50 years prior of practice.  Your deflecting the main argument without a non-sequitor.

Games don't need scores or any of that crap. They do require some level of skill.


That's right. You play a game. That would mean that you play something digital. You're playing digitally. That would be Digital Play. No?

This is invisible text!

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@ paul warren. So yet again you have your crystal ball out and you know IGN is going to give DDOC a bad review score! Amazing! For your information Famitsu gave DDOC 34/40. If you checked this site you would find that. Once again you are treating review scores as if they are gospel but then again only the ones that suit you.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

dharh said:

@bdbdbd: Except in context game is different than play.  You play a game. You dont play a play.  I am arguing that the terminology is not correct.

Where is there challenge and skill in Wii Music? You can't fail, you don't have to learn anything, you litterally do not have to try.  No im not saying playing a piano or a guitar doesn't require skill. People are not born being able to play Bach the first second they sit at a piano.  After 50 years of playing the piano, there is still the 50 years prior of practice.  Your deflecting the main argument without a non-sequitor.

Games don't need scores or any of that crap. They do require some level of skill.


I'll pull two definitions from for "game".

1. an amusement or pastime

2. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators

You're defining "game" using the second definition. Wii Music doesn't really fit that description, so you could make a case for why it wouldn't be considered a game under that definition. BUT you're ignoring the first definition.

A game is also just something you play. Cops and Robbers is a game children play. It has no rules and doesn't require skill. However, it's still a game based off the first definition.

peachbuggy said:
It's not a game when it suits fanboys. But of course if it appears on their console of choice then it is a game.


Yes, much like the fact that all games on HD consoles are crap, this is just how it works in here.

"Listen, answer this question: Which NA factory are you talking about? Until we figure out where this mythical manufacturing facility exists..."

This article was from November 2007. Now if Nintendo was making 1.8 million a month, but only selling 1,300,000 a month, that means that there were 500,000 Wii's that weren't being sold in stores. When you combine this with another 1.8 million Wii's being made in December, you get 1 miilion more Wii's that weren't being sold in stores even though many people had to settle for vouchers instead of Wii's last Christmas (and Nintendo didn't sell 3.6 million consoles in stores last November and December), so why were these other Wii's not in stores?

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

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"Very true, Nintendo didn't sell 3.6m Wiis during November and December 2007.
VGChartz Hardware data for the period 10th Nov 2007 to 05th Jan 2008:
Console Wii


The IGN article said they had ramped up production to 1.8 million a month in November and couldn't increase production again any time soon. So at best, they could have only made 3.6 million in both November and December. So where did they get the other 2.5 million your figures show? Ie. Either way it represents that Nintendo was doing some hoarding.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

I never said games on HD consoles were crap!



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

peachbuggy said:
I never said games on HD consoles were crap!


No, and I did not accuse you of such. My point was that this goes both ways, someone says Wii series games aren't games (and I kinda agree, even Nintendo themselves agree somewhat) and then someone lashes out at a HD game. It seems to be a neverending cycle in here.

dharh said:

 Can you tell me why GTA series isn't a game? Cause I explained why Wii Music isn't a game. 


I was being sarcastic..but ok, I wouldn't call it a "game" because is nothing but a big waste of time where everybody can do anything or nothing. Is "not a game" because it doesn't have a point, because it doesn't have a good design and is just a huge empty box to "play" with it.

sounds familiar?

Of course, all those excuses are stupid. Just like the ones against wii music. Hardcorez are just that way.



Paul_Warren said:
"Very true, Nintendo didn't sell 3.6m Wiis during November and December 2007.
VGChartz Hardware data for the period 10th Nov 2007 to 05th Jan 2008:
Console Wii


The IGN article said they had ramped up production to 1.8 million a month in November and couldn't increase production again any time soon. So at best, they could have only made 3.6 million in both November and December. So where did they get the other 2.5 million your figures show? Ie. Either way it represents that Nintendo was doing some hoarding.


From stockpiling for the holidays. You know, the thing multiple people have responded to you about when you asked where the extra Wiis are.

It's like you're not even paying attention.....