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dharh said:

@bdbdbd: Except in context game is different than play.  You play a game. You dont play a play.  I am arguing that the terminology is not correct.

Where is there challenge and skill in Wii Music? You can't fail, you don't have to learn anything, you litterally do not have to try.  No im not saying playing a piano or a guitar doesn't require skill. People are not born being able to play Bach the first second they sit at a piano.  After 50 years of playing the piano, there is still the 50 years prior of practice.  Your deflecting the main argument without a non-sequitor.

Games don't need scores or any of that crap. They do require some level of skill.


I'll pull two definitions from for "game".

1. an amusement or pastime

2. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators

You're defining "game" using the second definition. Wii Music doesn't really fit that description, so you could make a case for why it wouldn't be considered a game under that definition. BUT you're ignoring the first definition.

A game is also just something you play. Cops and Robbers is a game children play. It has no rules and doesn't require skill. However, it's still a game based off the first definition.