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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Malstrom: Why Wii Music is Genius

Well the fact that Shigeru Miyamoto also says its not a game works for me.  Can you tell me why GTA series isn't a game? Cause I explained why Wii Music isn't a game.  Also don't read too much into the tl;dr tag, jeeze.

Real gaming as you put it, is as its always been.  An activity that requires some skill, within a set of rules.  Some games are really really easy, some are really really hard.  Wii Music does not require a skill set.  I didn't say it couldn't be fun, I didn't say it wouldn't be entertaining for some or even alot of people.  But it is not a game.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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I'm having some serious deja vu. First Wii Fit wasn't a game, now Wii Music isn't a game. I thought a game was something you play? Since when did we start adding all these stipulations?

Phendrana said:
I'm having some serious deja vu. First Wii Fit wasn't a game, now Wii Music isn't a game. I thought a game was something you play? Since when did we start adding all these stipulations?


 Around the same time that a game console stopped being a toy and started to be Serious Work.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

It's not a game when it suits fanboys. But of course if it appears on their console of choice then it is a game.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

Dunno why its so hard.  Wii Fit is a workout program.  There may be some mini-games in it? The Wii Board can certainly be used in games.

Dunno why people say we just started adding all these stipulations.  The skills and challenge in games have always been there.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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"@ paul Wa**e*. Why are you bothering wasting your time writing in forums. You should be out making millions betting on future sports events etc. as you can obviously see into the future. As you seem to know uncharted is a better game than DDOC even though it's not even out yet? Why let your FANBOYISH ignorance get in the way of proper logic?"

Famitsu gave Disaster an 85. And they're a Japanese publication. It is going to get much lower review scores from IGN (even though they've tended to be more generous with bad games like Too Human and Star Wars The Force Unleashed than other publications recently) and other Western magazines.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

@Rol: But they were so renegades in Gamefan for sounding a friendly british. And younsters tend to be easy to influence

@Gamerace: No, they aren't diverting supply due currency exchange, since it would only mean less consoles sold and loss in profit. If Nintendo would put excessive supply to Europe, the consoles would only stand in Nintendos warehouse, when in NA you are able to get quick sale.

@dharh: Yes, it's true, there's only digital play. "Game" is only another way of saying "play". Oh, and don't argue me about the subject, argue the behaviour psychologists who say so. But nothing to worry about, playing is one of the most important factors in learning process.

Wii Music requires skill and challenge, it's just that you're not able to get a high score. What you are actually saying is, that playing a piano or a guitar doesn't require skill, since you can play any song you like, but it's a whole different thing whether it sounds like the song you play.
And Wii Music is genious, take part in thread "Wii Music - The Ultimate Videogame?".

@Paul Warren: Now that you pointed out games and their scores, take a look at the sales, and you'll notice that high rating doesn't equal high sales. And that's because the reviewers doesn't represent the market, which in the end is the only judge in games quality.

And Nintendo doesn't have a North-American factory and Wii is manufactured currently at the pace of 2,4 million a month (second only to Nintendo DS) for worldwide distribution, it used to be 1,8 million, from which majority went to North-America and Nintendo have been ramping up production on a good rate, 1M/month until 3/07, 1,3M until 8/07, 1,8M until 8/08 and now 2,4M a month. It also takes around six months to ramp up Wii production and for the production ramps, you need to estimate the level it's ramped to. As for Wii being the fastest selling console in history, it's pretty much impossible to accurately estimate the correct level of demand.

And as for the rest of your posts... Oh please...

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

@bdbdbd: Except in context game is different than play.  You play a game. You dont play a play.  I am arguing that the terminology is not correct.

Where is there challenge and skill in Wii Music? You can't fail, you don't have to learn anything, you litterally do not have to try.  No im not saying playing a piano or a guitar doesn't require skill. People are not born being able to play Bach the first second they sit at a piano.  After 50 years of playing the piano, there is still the 50 years prior of practice.  Your deflecting the main argument without a non-sequitor.

Games don't need scores or any of that crap. They do require some level of skill.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

Once again, here comes Paul Warren on the attack with his review scores like they matter...

Anyway, Malstrom has criticized Nintendo for a select few things, so he's got his own ideas, to a point. He thinks unlockables and tutorials are no good, both things Nintendo is guilty of. He seems to dislike pretty much everything introduced from the cinematic era (time invested over skill based, focus on graphics / immersion, etc), so he doesn't have much love for the current Zeldas / Marios and such. I know he mentioned Galaxy flopped in Japan, the region they're "struggling" in.

Paul_Warren said:

Listen, answer this question. If Nintendo is making 1.8 million Wii's in their North American factory each month, and they sell 1 million in stores, then why aren't the other .8 million also in stores to be sold to people that are only getting vouchers that one day they will get one?

Listen, answer this question:  Which NA factory are you talking about?  Until we figure out where this mythical manufacturing facility exists...


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