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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii "inhospitable platform for third-party publishers"

and according to him the industry is DOOMED, because even if the Wi is an "inhospitable platform for 3rd party", everyone is doing bad so they have no other options except invest in HD platforms and stay DOOMED!

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

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Total cherry picking. Why not mention GHIII or any of the Lego games?

I hate seeing Activision Blizzard now. It implies that Blizzard is failing as well when it's far from the truth.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:



funny, very funny...
still denial... incredible

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

it have somehow true,
even with the casual make madden its madden or zack and wiki.

even a high piracy system like the psp got good sales.
not many third party have gone over 1 million on their hardware

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Jo21 said:
it have somehow true,
even with the casual make madden its madden or zack and wiki.

even a high piracy system like the psp got good sales.
not many third party have gone over 1 million on their hardware


 now i get it, I know why you keep trolling wii threads you are leet.

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Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

In all honesty, what did this analyst expect? They take the madden series and transforn it into a ridiculous fucking piece of shit and expect people to buy it because its on the wii, and because it doesn't sell well that means 3rd party games are doomed on wii......NO SOUP FOR HIM!!!!

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

This is not a new phenomena the analyst is just stating the obvious. That the Nintendo Wii is still mired in third party failures. Which it has been since launch with few exceptions. All the analyst is doing is using another recent example to highlight the fact that the trend persists. I am not in the least bit shocked.

These forums on a daily basis highlight how irrelevant third party games are to the console, and to the consoles enthusiasts. Look at the topics as a whole well over ninety five percent of the posts involving software on the system revolve around Nintendo offerings. Four percent of what remains involves an exclusive offering from a developer, and one percent is just a passing reference.

Whether you like it or not. Whether you think it hurts the consoles image. Whether you just want someone to take your frustrations out on. The reality is very much established third parties have problems finding customers for their games on the Wii. Not that this is actually a problem for the console or its loyal owners. Most of which are probably indifferent to third party offerings at best.

The analyst is making a sound assessment about the market. Now if you do not like that you can do something positive instead of sitting in the corner bitching to one another. Try to improve the situation for third party developers. Start to discuss their games, and make it a point to purchase some of those games, and I am not talking one or two a year. With this years offerings on the console you should be avidly looking for third party gems.

@soriku, has a madden game on the wii broken 1 million yet? the last edition never out sold the ps3 it got close but could not close the deal despite having twice the install base. i do believe it might do it this year

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Dodece said:
This is not a new phenomena the analyst is just stating the obvious. That the Nintendo Wii is still mired in third party failures. Which it has been since launch with few exceptions. All the analyst is doing is using another recent example to highlight the fact that the trend persists. I am not in the least bit shocked.

These forums on a daily basis highlight how irrelevant third party games are to the console, and to the consoles enthusiasts. Look at the topics as a whole well over ninety five percent of the posts involving software on the system revolve around Nintendo offerings. Four percent of what remains involves an exclusive offering from a developer, and one percent is just a passing reference.

Whether you like it or not. Whether you think it hurts the consoles image. Whether you just want someone to take your frustrations out on. The reality is very much established third parties have problems finding customers for their games on the Wii. Not that this is actually a problem for the console or its loyal owners. Most of which are probably indifferent to third party offerings at best.

The analyst is making a sound assessment about the market. Now if you do not like that you can do something positive instead of sitting in the corner bitching to one another. Try to improve the situation for third party developers. Start to discuss their games, and make it a point to purchase some of those games, and I am not talking one or two a year. With this years offerings on the console you should be avidly looking for third party gems.

Great post dude. I think it goes further than that, advertising is a big problem for the Wii.

If a typical HD game costs 15,000,000 to make and 15,000,000 to advertise thats $30,000,000 Total.

If a typical Wii game of the same quality costs $5,000,000 to make but to have the same splash as the HD game they need to spend = or > on the advertising side (As stated by an Ubisoft executive). I think publishers are unwilling to spend more than 1:1 between advertising and development budget ratios. Thats likely the reason why we hear "Wii games don't get advertised much". Nintendo actually spends a whole lot more on advertising than third parties who are unwilling to spend as much.

So a typical Wii game would cost $10,000,000 to bring to market normally or with the same advertising budget it would cost $20,000,000 to have a similar comparable advertising campaign. Would you spend $15,000,000 on advertising for just any Wii game? No. It would have to be special in some way, shape or form to warrent such an expenditure.

I think this is the reason why the first big budget games to be delivered by third parties for the Wii with large advertising campaigns have been multiplats with HD consoles. The Guitar heroes/Force unleashed/COD 5s of this world.

