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This is not a new phenomena the analyst is just stating the obvious. That the Nintendo Wii is still mired in third party failures. Which it has been since launch with few exceptions. All the analyst is doing is using another recent example to highlight the fact that the trend persists. I am not in the least bit shocked.

These forums on a daily basis highlight how irrelevant third party games are to the console, and to the consoles enthusiasts. Look at the topics as a whole well over ninety five percent of the posts involving software on the system revolve around Nintendo offerings. Four percent of what remains involves an exclusive offering from a developer, and one percent is just a passing reference.

Whether you like it or not. Whether you think it hurts the consoles image. Whether you just want someone to take your frustrations out on. The reality is very much established third parties have problems finding customers for their games on the Wii. Not that this is actually a problem for the console or its loyal owners. Most of which are probably indifferent to third party offerings at best.

The analyst is making a sound assessment about the market. Now if you do not like that you can do something positive instead of sitting in the corner bitching to one another. Try to improve the situation for third party developers. Start to discuss their games, and make it a point to purchase some of those games, and I am not talking one or two a year. With this years offerings on the console you should be avidly looking for third party gems.