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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Metacritic Getting More Interesting?

I was just over at Metacritic to checkout some current games especially multiplatform ones, expecting, of course to see how badly the critics were slamming the Wii version.

Maybe not! Some of the results surprised me.

Madden 09 - Xbox360 (85), PS3 (85), Wii (82) – Near Equality?

Tiger Woods 09 – Xbox 360 (84), PS3 (84), Wii (84) – Equality?

Guitar Hero Aerosmith  - Xbox 360 (70), PS3 (70), Wii (73) – WTF?

Star Wars Force Unleased – Xbox 360 [5 reviews] (71), PS3 [2 reviews] (70/56), Wii [1 review] (75) – Watch this space!

Is it possible that the Wii won’t always be the redheaded step child?

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Most people regard the Wii favorably versus the other two consoles, could result in some skew.

Also, titles would look better compared to the Wii's relatively lackluster library.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes


Now that developers are actually trying to make their Wii games worth the money you're giving them, this will definitely get more interesting.

I'm very interested to see the scores of Quantum of Solace, what with Wii getting exclusive split-screen multiplayer. I mean, what the f*ck are they thinking making a JAMES BOND game without local multiplayer on other systems?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
chenguo4 said:
Most people regard the Wii favorably versus the other two consoles, could result in some skew.

Also, titles would look better compared to the Wii's relatively lackluster library.

I agree wholeheartedly with the first sentence...but most game reviewers don't fall in line with the majority of gamers.

Your second sentence and I are not on speaking terms...

As for Grampy's question; I'm not too surprised, to be honest. I've always thought that the Wii would gain more acceptance from traditional gamers as time goes on, just like the DS did. I doubt it'll be the clear darling of the snobcore like the DS is, but more and more folks will start to convert as time goes on.


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Well I think you all make good points but it seems to me that these reference games in which graphics aren't the biggest aspect of their ...aspect..tive.. whatever the word is I'm looking for.

I think it will still get the same old treatment for games that come out that are more geared toward pushing High end graphics.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

I love how Metacritic suddenly becomes interesting when it no longer solely says great things about the Xbox 360........

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Being a redhead, I feel insulted by your post.

EDIT: Well I guess the difference is I'm not a stepchild. =P

Grampy said:

I was just over at Metacritic to checkout some current games especially multiplatform ones, expecting, of course to see how badly the critics were slamming the Wii version.

Maybe not! Some of the results surprised me.

Madden 09 - Xbox360 (85), PS3 (85), Wii (82) – Near Equality?

Tiger Woods 09 – Xbox 360 (84), PS3 (84), Wii (84) – Equality?

Guitar Hero Aerosmith  - Xbox 360 (70), PS3 (70), Wii (73) – WTF?

Star Wars Force Unleased – Xbox 360 [5 reviews] (71), PS3 [2 reviews] (70/56), Wii [1 review] (75) – Watch this space!

Is it possible that the Wii won’t always be the redheaded step child?

Or maybe those other games deserved their half-assed scores for being half-assed games?

This may not be you personally Grampy, but I see these two conflicting arguments constantly. One is that third party developers aren't trying on the Wii and the games suck, and then the second argument is that they're unfairly getting reviewed poorly. Make up your mind people. Either the games suck and the reviews are fair or the games or the reviews are unfair so stop complaining about bad third party developers.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
Grampy said:

I was just over at Metacritic to checkout some current games especially multiplatform ones, expecting, of course to see how badly the critics were slamming the Wii version.

Maybe not! Some of the results surprised me.

Madden 09 - Xbox360 (85), PS3 (85), Wii (82) – Near Equality?

Tiger Woods 09 – Xbox 360 (84), PS3 (84), Wii (84) – Equality?

Guitar Hero Aerosmith - Xbox 360 (70), PS3 (70), Wii (73) – WTF?

Star Wars Force Unleased – Xbox 360 [5 reviews] (71), PS3 [2 reviews] (70/56), Wii [1 review] (75) – Watch this space!

Is it possible that the Wii won’t always be the redheaded step child?

Or maybe those other games deserved their half-assed scores for being half-assed games?

This may not be you personally Grampy, but I see these two conflicting arguments constantly. One is that third party developers aren't trying on the Wii and the games suck, and then the second argument is that they're unfairly getting reviewed poorly. Make up your mind people. Either the games suck and the reviews are fair or the games or the reviews are unfair so stop complaining about bad third party developers.


nobody needs to make up their minds.  Things have changed a lot even since last year, and radically since 2 years ago.

You can really see it in the multiplatform games this year that many of them take advantage of the wii, before many of them were just ps2 ports.  About all of those games that grampy listed you can say that the wii brings an intriguing element to it.  If everything is equal except the graphics are worse people are more likely to want the HD versions, but these games aren't like that.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X