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I was just over at Metacritic to checkout some current games especially multiplatform ones, expecting, of course to see how badly the critics were slamming the Wii version.

Maybe not! Some of the results surprised me.

Madden 09 - Xbox360 (85), PS3 (85), Wii (82) – Near Equality?

Tiger Woods 09 – Xbox 360 (84), PS3 (84), Wii (84) – Equality?

Guitar Hero Aerosmith  - Xbox 360 (70), PS3 (70), Wii (73) – WTF?

Star Wars Force Unleased – Xbox 360 [5 reviews] (71), PS3 [2 reviews] (70/56), Wii [1 review] (75) – Watch this space!

Is it possible that the Wii won’t always be the redheaded step child?