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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which franchise is better: Super smash bros, Dead or alive, or tekken?


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RolStoppable said:
SSB is the least worst.


Ban him now.


Dead or Alive is low quality. Tekken is high quality but I really don't like much about it. I enjoyed Tekken and Tekken 2 but after that the franchise just seemed so dated. There were many better fighters. SSBB is the best fighting game ever made and game of the year. Out of the almost dozen fighting games I've played this year, only Super Street Fighter II is in the same league as SSBB.


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Iori Yagami said:
Another thing I don't like about Brawl is how unbalanced and broken it is...

I still like the game though.


As for me, I'd say Brawl. It's a different kind of fighter and I find it more likable than the other, more traditional fighters. I also enjoy Soul Caliber. Good times with that series as well.

RolStoppable said:
SSB is the least worst.


I might have to quote this one for truth.  If I had a gun to my head and had to play one of these three, I guess I'd take my chances with SSB.  Would still be a painful experience

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Well in the first place I don't understand why Smash Brothers is in this lineup. It is a completely different style game. Even still I would say Tekken.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

SSB because DoA is just T&A with Ryu in the mix and Tekken 3 was the peak of the series.

Pixel Art can be fun.

2D brawler compared against 2 3D fighters. A worse comparison I have a hard time imagining. The markets for the game are distinctly different.

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I've always preferred the DOA franchise. For some reason I just can't get into SSB. But hey, nobody's perfect.