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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I love my cats but...

Everytime i'm doing "really good" in a video game.... they seem to know and instinctively climb up on my lap.  nudge my hands.  Hit the buttons with their nose.  or otherwise interfere with the game.

It's a piss off.

Am i the only one with a cat that seems obsessed with causing my virtual death?


PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


Around the Network

My damn cat crawled up on me while I was on the sofa with my DS. Talk about surprise attacks.

Put them in the microwave!

I don't have a cat but my ferret does that to me...

Former something....

My cat sleeps on top of my consoles / keyboard / controllers. (and She is fat too (20 pounds)).

Whenever i'm playing PC games my other cats jump on the table and walk across the keyboard either wasting all my ammo or blocking my view so someone picks me off.

Around the Network

Back in the day my dogs chewed up my main GameCube memory card. So... after ranting and raving (hint: this doesn't bring back your save files) and lots of glue (doesn't work either), I bought a new Memory Card and went through every game that had its files deleted. Around 8 games at the time.

Ah well, it gave me a reason to go back and play the games I loved.

My cat is stupid.

he climbed on my desk.

He sat on my keyboard and fell asleep.
I got the keyboard from under him.

He rolls around.
There is a waterbottle on my desk.
It falls over and splashes.
He runs away spread fur all over my screen.

My brothers cat is a bitch (shes so annoying too) she would play with my nunchucks cord and *try* to grab the cursor on the TV aswell.

I think you should buy a Wii. Playing Wii Sports would quickly teach the cat not to mess up with you when you play.

Btw, how long do you think it takes before Naz posts this thread?

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

"I love my cats but..."

.. they are really hard to put the little saddles on.

.. their tails are always getting in the way.

.. [insert your funny statement]