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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS: We absolutely, absolutely have new exclusive Xbox 360 games coming

Dno said:

Bioshock 2 is on ps3 day and date.. just another 360 game thats going to ps3



And so what ??

Final Fantasy XIII is going to X360

"Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools because they have to say something." PLATO (428 BC-348 BC)

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CGI-Quality said:
Fei-Hung said:
Well whatever it is they have, it better be good otherwise they will look pale in comparison to their rival who is getting stronger as time passes. So far, MS expects to sell consoles based on 2 Exclusives coming out soon; Fable2 and GeoW2.

As great as these games are, they cannot compete against a line up like; R2, K2, LBP, HOME, GOW3, Team ICO Project, a possible KH3, FFVXIII, DCUO and possibly Heavy Rain.

In the end of the last gen, it was quantity of decent games that made the Sony brand the winner not 2 or 3 AAA exclusives.


Possibly Heavy Rain uuuhh Heavy Rain is one of PS3's biggest upcoming games so there is no "possibly Heavy Rain"


Heavy Rain has the same amount of hype as Alan Wake,barely any,We dont know anything about the story and its already one of the BIGGEST upcoming games???



Heavy Rain is just an Adventure game with many prerendered CGI scenes and some puzzles...
It is not even a true action and does not have the same amount of freedom of a true action game

"Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools because they have to say something." PLATO (428 BC-348 BC)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predictions are never accurate and are a fanboys hobby...Never trust what fanboys say...

I hope they annonce a new Max payne or a new new IP

ROFLOL...the reality is 360 is gaining momentum, and remember all the sony fanboys screaming about how 360 was going to be DONE in 2008....ROFLOL...360 is going to SMASH what it did in 2007, and probably beat PS3 for 2008...the reality is that 2009 will be even better!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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disolitude said:
Honestly, this is the kind of talk that executives don't ahve to BS about. I don't care if xbox gets the exclusives. As long as it keeps getting the best games on the market I don't mind if they are multiplatform.

One of the games will probably be a new Rare game...a fighter perhaps? :)


There is a huge rumor going around that one of Rare's secret games that they are working on is a new Killer Instinct. EGM covered it a little while back and said they are waiting for it to be unveiled this year if it is true.

M$ is rumored to have planned an event for the European price cut next week sometime and this event would be host to a series of game announcements as well. Bungie's new game being one of them. The forced reveal of the price cut may have altered their plans.

Impulsivity said:

If Microsoft is going to fight a war for exclusives with either Nintendo or Sony they are just going to lose badly. Sony has more studios making first party games for them then both Nintendo and MS put together. If you want to know why no core games are hitting the Wii any time soon its because there aren't that many Nintendo dev teams, but that is made up for by the huge appeal of the Wii games (in that they sell for 2 years instead of 2 months filling in the no game gap for Ninty revenue). MS has a handful of developers and as such a handful of games. Even their first party games are not from studios they own this year (Fable and Gears of War 2) which is a big reason for the heavy defection of their big games to rival platforms.

Bioshock goes PS3 because it was not an MS studio, Gears of War goes PC as does Fable, not MS studio; Ninja Gaiden Sigma goes that Bungee is an indy company even what do you think the chances are that the new bungee games won't go to PC and probably even Mac too?

On the other hand for PS3 Heavenly Sword PS3 only, Uncharted PS3 only, Little Big Planet PS3 only, Ratchet and Clank PS3 only...all the big Sony exclusives stay exclusive, they don't even go to the PC 90% of the time. Sony does a good job with developer loyalty even without resorting to moneyhatting MS style.

The big "exclusive" 360 releases are not like PS3 exclusives.  With 360 "exclusives" you don't need the console they are "exclusive" to to play them. At least 10 out of 12 of the BIG GAMES will hit either the PS3 or the PC in short order.


 wow you have so many things wrong its just ewww.


First off, no sony does not have more studios making games then nintendo and ms combined (i loled at this one)


Third: Even internal studio games will go to PC. Its because its MICROSOFT choice for this to happen! Not because the developer chooses it.

 fourth:Umm they stay more exclusive on the ps3 because sony has no reason to port them to PC like MS does...


Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

Sardauk said:
deathgod33 said:
games like halo wars should only be on pc. its very stupid how companies are trying to put these kind of strategy games on consoles. so stop saying halo wars is going to be big people, unless its on pc.


WHy stupid ? You are stupid. the C&C series on my 360 are my favorite games.

Funny thing is, before Goldeneye, they used to say that about FPS'


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."