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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS: We absolutely, absolutely have new exclusive Xbox 360 games coming

Untouch said:
Shadowblind said:
Jordahn said:
Ari_Gold said:
at least microsoft is trying to please gamers...


Compared to SONY and Nintendo, Nope.

Like with Wii music, right?


The blind part of your name suits you well.



 My post had the same amount of sense as the one I quoted before.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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I read so many misinformed (aka ignorant) post on here it give me heartburn. Please don't just spout out "facts" like that you Impulsidiot... err Impulsivity.

Impulsivity said:

If Microsoft is going to fight a war for exclusives with either Nintendo or Sony they are just going to lose badly. Sony has more studios making first party games for them then both Nintendo and MS put together. If you want to know why no core games are hitting the Wii any time soon its because there aren't that many Nintendo dev teams, but that is made up for by the huge appeal of the Wii games (in that they sell for 2 years instead of 2 months filling in the no game gap for Ninty revenue). MS has a handful of developers and as such a handful of games. Even their first party games are not from studios they own this year (Fable and Gears of War 2) which is a big reason for the heavy defection of their big games to rival platforms.

Bioshock goes PS3 because it was not an MS studio, Gears of War goes PC as does Fable, not MS studio; Ninja Gaiden Sigma goes that Bungee is an indy company even what do you think the chances are that the new bungee games won't go to PC and probably even Mac too?

On the other hand for PS3 Heavenly Sword PS3 only, Uncharted PS3 only, Little Big Planet PS3 only, Ratchet and Clank PS3 only...all the big Sony exclusives stay exclusive, they don't even go to the PC 90% of the time. Sony does a good job with developer loyalty even without resorting to moneyhatting MS style.

The big "exclusive" 360 releases are not like PS3 exclusives. With 360 "exclusives" you don't need the console they are "exclusive" to to play them. At least 10 out of 12 of the BIG GAMES will hit either the PS3 or the PC in short order.


How many of those PS3 exclusives are getting out of Japan?


Cause i know ALOT of PS1/2 games never reached EU or NA.

Honestly, PS3 fanboys, lay off the PS3 vs XBox360 shit. And I say this as a big PS3 fan.

And of course the XBox360 has new exclusive games coming. I would be shocked if they said "No, we don't really have any new exclusive games coming."

ok. Good news. I guess.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

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The outrage! The scandal!

They should just let sony have them all! Or Nintendo! Maybe they should release them exclusively on steam!

Fei-Hung said:
Well whatever it is they have, it better be good otherwise they will look pale in comparison to their rival who is getting stronger as time passes. So far, MS expects to sell consoles based on 2 Exclusives coming out soon; Fable2 and GeoW2.

As great as these games are, they cannot compete against a line up like; R2, K2, LBP, HOME, GOW3, Team ICO Project, a possible KH3, FFVXIII, DCUO and possibly Heavy Rain.

In the end of the last gen, it was quantity of decent games that made the Sony brand the winner not 2 or 3 AAA exclusives.


PS3 - 4 AAA titles

Xbox 360 - 14 AAA titles

^ Which has a larger quantity of AAA titles?

Now tell me which looks pale in comparison?

You guys are still catching up LOL.

I've had much more fun playing my 360 than you have been waiting along side your system.

Now sit down and think about what you said.


colonelstubbs said:
Halo 4-12



I'll lose interest by the 7th.

Too many!


BottledSpringWater said:
Fei-Hung said:
Well whatever it is they have, it better be good otherwise they will look pale in comparison to their rival who is getting stronger as time passes. So far, MS expects to sell consoles based on 2 Exclusives coming out soon; Fable2 and GeoW2.

As great as these games are, they cannot compete against a line up like; R2, K2, LBP, HOME, GOW3, Team ICO Project, a possible KH3, FFVXIII, DCUO and possibly Heavy Rain.

In the end of the last gen, it was quantity of decent games that made the Sony brand the winner not 2 or 3 AAA exclusives.


PS3 - 4 AAA titles

Xbox 360 - 14 AAA titles

^ Which has a larger quantity of AAA titles?

Now tell me which looks pale in comparison?

You guys are still catching up LOL.

I've had much more fun playing my 360 than you have been waiting along side your system.

Now sit down and think about what you said.

Gamers ultimately choose what to play according to what they want, not because of what someone says. Somehow I don't find it uncommon that games like Siren and Fire Emblem are NOT any less enjoyable just because it's been rated that the 360 has more "AAA" games when in fact it's the individual gamer that counts. Gamers are not sheep because they choose what they want and not because it's popular opinion. No matter how many "AAA" games one console has if it doesn't have the games a person wants to play, those "AAA" games mean nothing. You have absolutely no right to claim that you've "had much more fun playing [your] 360 than [anyone else] along side [their] system." I'm a big fan of psychological survival horror such as Silent Hill, Siren and Fatal Frame. These games never had the constant high ratings such as Halo. But you know what if there were three gaming factors that are low on my list, they have to be FPS, Sci-fi and online play. Hmmmm... That's sounds a lot like Halo. Does that mean it's a bad game? Of course not. But I have more fun playing one of the previously mentioned survival horror games than I would 3 "AAA" Halo's. This is what gaming is about, personal choice and respect You give legit 360 owners a bad image.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

10 new Halo spin-offs confirmed?