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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Conduit is starting to get overhyped.

Ok then, but I'm pissed that so many people can get away with such comments. No, not about a single game, but constantly trolling and hating Nintendo. Ahhh, yes MP3 is the best Wii game I own, so I have high hopes for The Conduit. Maybe its story can be generic, but gameplay wise it should be a blast.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

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He's doing more than "not worshiping" the game, and you know it.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

trestres said:
And you know I'm answering to him like that because reporting here doesn't do anything. It's funny how you went from being a mindless Nintendo fan to a mindless Nintendo hater, that you have the guts to defend a know hater.

 Reporting does do things on this site. It is just that the mods are too soft. Hopefully the new warning system will help that out and stop the endless stream of mods willing to give every user just one more chance.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

it is overhyped right now, but hopefully it will be an overhyped good game that will get it some good sales unlike other good wii games.
But yeah its definately overhyped so i'm keepin my expectations a bit low on it

Stop bashing LBP, you are all just jeaous, even Nintendo is. There was an article a while back sayng that they wanted Media Molecule (LBP devs), and that they wish that they could have such a good game. All press towards the game is 100% posotive, it is very much anticipated and it deserves to be overhyped. We can all agree that Halo 3 was an overhyped game. Advertising started a year before its release. and the difference between Halo 3 and Halo 2 is the graphics and the online. Fact.
oh ya the conduit also deserves to be overhyped cos it looks good.


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The game is getting a lot of hype, it is a little hard to justify it at times, but HVS have a lot of ambition with this game, if you would do your research on the game you would find videos on the controls and a few of the weapons (no where near all of them) and you could see the guided grenade launcher that follows the pointer, something that could only be done with a mouse and keyboard or Wii remote, and who's to say there won't be more innovative weapons? And for me personally that guided grenade launcher will be a lot of fun to use online.

HVS did some crap games in the past cause they were starting out with little funding, now they've got their funding, they have their ideas, they don't have a publisher to push them into making a generic game, and that all adds up to them being able to do what they really want in a game, and has the potential to be great for us gamers, and so far with the videos and impressions they've done exactly what they've set out to do and still have six months to perfect it.

If anything the game is taking inspiration from Half-Life which is anything BUT a generic shooter and if the game turns out half as good it'll be better then 80% of FPS games out there. So I really don't get the whole "this game looks generic" argument unless Half-Life is generic, I thought WWII would be generic (but I guess these same people might be really behind CoD World at War), if Half-Life is generic then that's news to me =)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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How stupid is to say LBP is innovative. How is it innovative?

Wow testres you should really try to not make such ridiculous statements. It makes you look so fanboyish. I think even normal Wii fans will agree that LBP is one of the most innovative titles this year. A co-op Jump&Run that is build around creating your own worlds? The use of physics to govern all object interactions in your levels? Online sharing of levels. The look/sackboys etc. The combination makes for a truly unique and charming game. I am more into generic FPS (lol) and I don't know if it will shatter sales but come on stop being such a fanboy.

Kyros said:
How stupid is to say LBP is innovative. How is it innovative?

Wow testres you should really try to not make such ridiculous statements. It makes you look so fanboyish. I think even normal Wii fans will agree that LBP is one of the most innovative titles this year. A co-op Jump&Run that is build around creating your own worlds? The use of physics to govern all object interactions in your levels? Online sharing of levels. The look/sackboys etc. The combination makes for a truly unique and charming game. I am more into generic FPS (lol) and I don't know if it will shatter sales but come on stop being such a fanboy.


This. LBP IS innovative. I haven't seen any similar game release on any console so far.


Then what about Wii Music?  There's nothing like it on any console (I think), that game certainly isn't getting any points for innovation

LBP and Conduit both deserve their hype.  LBP for being different, Conduit for being the first big FPS effort designed specifically for the Wii.
