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The game is getting a lot of hype, it is a little hard to justify it at times, but HVS have a lot of ambition with this game, if you would do your research on the game you would find videos on the controls and a few of the weapons (no where near all of them) and you could see the guided grenade launcher that follows the pointer, something that could only be done with a mouse and keyboard or Wii remote, and who's to say there won't be more innovative weapons? And for me personally that guided grenade launcher will be a lot of fun to use online.

HVS did some crap games in the past cause they were starting out with little funding, now they've got their funding, they have their ideas, they don't have a publisher to push them into making a generic game, and that all adds up to them being able to do what they really want in a game, and has the potential to be great for us gamers, and so far with the videos and impressions they've done exactly what they've set out to do and still have six months to perfect it.

If anything the game is taking inspiration from Half-Life which is anything BUT a generic shooter and if the game turns out half as good it'll be better then 80% of FPS games out there. So I really don't get the whole "this game looks generic" argument unless Half-Life is generic, I thought WWII would be generic (but I guess these same people might be really behind CoD World at War), if Half-Life is generic then that's news to me =)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000