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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 sold out at some stores?

Stop with the psuedo-trolling Avin. Sales are certainly up a lot. Two weeks ago there wasn't a store in the nation that was sold out of PS3s, that makes this a big deal considering most of the stores that have sold out had noticably large stockpiles of the machine.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

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We should just wait until NPD's numbers to see what kind of affect the price drop had.

It was expected that sales boost from a pricedrop. Now people who have waited them to drop to 500 are rushing to buy it. Also people who want the version with EE, are rushing to buy it. Sales go back down before august.
We will propably see similar boost with the next pricedrop.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

bdbdbd said:
It was expected that sales boost from a pricedrop. Now people who have waited them to drop to 500 are rushing to buy it. Also people who want the version with EE, are rushing to buy it. Sales go back down before august.
We will propably see similar boost with the next pricedrop.

That's just the reason why I want to get mine now, I do want the EE in the PS3 I buy.   I've talked to a few buddies this morning who have been waiting for the PS3 to drop or some good games to come out they like and all 4 of them went and bought one yesterday.

 And for the trolls, I asked you nicely to keep out of this thread. Just because you dislike Sony doesn't mean that you can't be a productive poster in a topic like this and have to say negative things.   Sure, we will see numbers spike, but what will the sustained sales end up being after the price drop has been in effect for a few weeks? I'm sure it will be more then 10% increase over prior sales.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

BenKenobi88 said:
Eh, I see PS3s on shelves, after a while they sell. Then more come, and they sell. It's only a few at a time though...I don't think anything's different in my area right now...but it's not like I have exact numbers onhand.

Are you talking more about what you have seen prior to the price drop? Because that is what it sounds like to me.  If you don't have exact numbers I am not sure how you could give an accurate gauge of sales since the price drop in comparison to prior to the sales drop.  Please be constructive with your comments and not negative on the PS3.  Keep in mind that the better all the systems do, we as video game enthusiasts win.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

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According to the sales of the PS3 has risen with... hold yourself tight to anything steady because else you're going to faint:


This profile is no longer in use, see my other profile *~Onna76~*

WiiGirl76 said:
According to the sales of the PS3 has risen with... hold yourself tight to anything steady because else you're going to faint:


 However, the first item in the list is: 

fragFX for Playstation 3

That one rose 40,875%, So I'm not giving that 2700% increase too much credit until some real world numbers are released ;)

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

your mother said:
Could it be that retailers are simply clearing inventory for the new models/prices and/or are not ordering any more PS3s?
Thats highly possible, I know that one of the Chips stores in this region of England a couple of months ago weren't going to be taking any more PS3 stock at all after they cleared what they had, simply because they weren't selling at all. Now yeah that was 2 months ago at least so things may change in time, but I imagine that's not just the only store to do such a thing.

Stores can simpy refuse to sell PS3's or any console for that matter if it's going to be hurting them in the long run.



I find it pathetic that anyone can think sales will double because of a $100 price drop, you think that the extra 100% of sales is coming from people that were holding out because they didn't have a spare $100 on em?

If someone would pay $499 about 75% of them would pay $599 if that were the only option.

Hence I predict a 25% sales increase for the month.

Amazon is not a reliable indication of sales, Wii is almost always beating DS but you never see that on the charts.

Here is the reason for so many PS3s being sold at Amazon:

They offer a PS3 remote control for Blu-Ray movies, a copy of the movie memento, and the 5 Blu-Ray movies promotion is still valid...

Now Blu-Ray "sales" are going to take off! HD-DVD prepare to get "crushed"...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957