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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 sold out at some stores?

ArtofAngels said:
I find it pathetic that anyone can think sales will double because of a $100 price drop, you think that the extra 100% of sales is coming from people that were holding out because they didn't have a spare $100 on em?

If someone would pay $499 about 75% of them would pay $599 if that were the only option.

Hence I predict a 25% sales increase for the month.

Amazon is not a reliable indication of sales, Wii is almost always beating DS but you never see that on the charts.

Sure, $500 isn't a small amount of cash for a video game system.  However, I can justify spending $500 on something that would give me many hours of entertainment.  The $600?  I could wait because there haven't been any games out that I really want for the system.   Also, I think that the sales will be at least a 50% gain for the month of July due to people who now have a reason to get a ps3, (Price drop and within a couple months many games we want) as well as getting a PS3 that has the EE in it as well.  Eventually they will replace those units with ones without the EE.   Another thing to consider is that it's highly unlikely that there will be another price cut by the time those games we want will be out so if we have the money now, we can go and get it at the lower price.

Trust me, I wouldn't go off what Amazon says with it's sales rankings, but it is impressive that demand has come to the PS3 with this price drop.  I'm sure that somewhere some Sony exec's are high fiving each other with the early news on sales coming out.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

Around the Network

My Areas kinda mixed, Target sold out, Walmart - 40+, Toys r us 25+, Circuit City Sold out, best buy 100+

There's a slight increase but not much meaningful, the stores that sold out generally sold out but it took longer periods of time to do so. Will it pick up sales? Of course. How much will it pick up sales? Let's find out.


I think price was a big factor on the PS3 not selling as well as it could have but I also feel like lack of compelling games were holding it back. Will that be fixed with the coming games? I hope so, I want some meaningful games on every system so I don't feel like an a$$ for buying them all ... 

YfzinJay said:
I've been watching amazon's stock and they sold about 250 in the last 2 hours. I wanted to wait till tomorrow to really think about purchasing one, but I don't want them to be sold out when I wake up.

Ah!! I quoted the wrong post again!

YfzinJay said:
At the beginning of the day I looked and saw amazon had 660 in stock, then re-stocked to over 999. Then dropped to 800, then restocked over 999, and now they are at 640. I am guess amazon sold around 1500 units so far. At the very least 800.

Where did you see the current number of PS3 in stock?

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

YfzinJay said:
At the beginning of the day I looked and saw amazon had 660 in stock, then re-stocked to over 999. Then dropped to 800, then restocked over 999, and now they are at 640. I am guess amazon sold around 1500 units so far. At the very least 800.

Sounds like junk to me, how can anywhere re-stock twice within one day????

Links and proof please :)

Around the Network

ps3 holds #1 best selling video game item
wii drops 3 spots to #4
sixaxis controller rises to #3 spot
resistance fall of man rises from #24 to #19 spot
360 drops from 17 to 19



Art, it could be that they have a seperate warehouse that they keep excess stock of an item at and it's not located at the shipping warehouse for some reason. It's just a guess, but that is what I'd figure to be the case.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

ArtofAngels said:
YfzinJay said:
At the beginning of the day I looked and saw amazon had 660 in stock, then re-stocked to over 999. Then dropped to 800, then restocked over 999, and now they are at 640. I am guess amazon sold around 1500 units so far. At the very least 800.

Sounds like junk to me, how can anywhere re-stock twice within one day????

Doesn't sound implausible to me, since the Wii often bounces between "sold out" and "available" in Amazon UK several times per day. Amazon is weird.

But as I said, I'm curious about how he got the absolute stock numbers. 

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The PS3 has already failed at a $499 price as a game machine. The only thing that has really changed since the 20GB model was dropped was that Blu-ray has more or less won the format war. Most of these people have been waiting for this to happen to nab a Blu-ray player. This surge by no means will break into the casual market and will only last for a limited time.

clandecyon said:
The PS3 has already failed at a $499 price as a game machine. The only thing that has really changed since the 20GB model was dropped was that Blu-ray has more or less won the format war. Most of these people have been waiting for this to happen to nab a Blu-ray player. This surge by no means has broken into the casual market and will only last for a limited time.

How limited?

