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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 to get exclusive Mirror's Edge DLC News ?

Sony has dismissed reports Mirror's Edge will be a timed PS3 exclusive - but said there will be downloadable content available only via PlayStation Network.

Confusion arose last month after German site Heise Online quoted David Reeves as saying the new EA title will arrive on PS3 first.

EA has since denied the claim and now a Sony spokesperson has done the same, telling Eurogamer, "There was a misunderstanding in terms of the quote that Mirror's Edge is to be a timed exclusive on PS3."

So, the game will be released for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 on the same day - whenever that may be, as EA's still keeping quiet.

However, Sony did confirm that although Mirror's Edge is multi-platform, "PlayStation has an exclusive marketing agreement with EA regarding the title."

Plus, the spokesperson added, "Exclusive downloadable content will be offered on the PlayStation Network."

Here we go again with dlc exclusive, really whats the piont with it , if a game isnt exclusive does that many people care about exclusive dlc.


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Here we go again with dlc exclusive, really whats the piont with it , if a game isnt exclusive does that many people care about exclusive dlc.

I'm quite sure that plenty of people went for the Xbox version of GTA IV, because of the DLC.

So if they have faith in this title, then DLC may see their part of the Mirror Edge's sales tip in their favour.

papflesje said:
Here we go again with dlc exclusive, really whats the piont with it , if a game isnt exclusive does that many people care about exclusive dlc.

I'm quite sure that plenty of people went for the Xbox version of GTA IV, because of the DLC.

So if they have faith in this title, then DLC may see their part of the Mirror Edge's sales tip in their favour.


 Yeah but Gta is still Gta and this it a totaly new ip who knows maybe it turn up to be a flop.


or it could be ASSASSINS CREED2.5

ea wants 2 show ppl sum luv

Respect for compans: SONY > NINTENDO >>>>>>>>>> MICROSOFT


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good news

That's right people, the PS3 version is the way to go. DLC is a must-have and will boost the PS3 version to victory.


Anyway, I don't care about DLC. Actually I don't care about this game either (well, maybe a little bit - but that's the PC version).

Should be interesting too see what the dlc will be and if Mirrors Egde sells well, when does it release.


It will be interesting to see which version wins this multiplatform race. But if the PS3 wants to win then the DLC should better be huge.

update from the IGN page :

UPDATE: EA has got back to us, saying that they are not yet in a position to talk about any downloadable content for Mirror's Edge - so it looks as if Sony has jumped the gun on this announcement. We'll keep you informed of any developments as they happen.

go Sony!!