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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Version Of PlayStation 3 To Go On Sale In August

Bodhesatva said:

If we're going to nitpick, we should also add in the cost of manufacturing a bundle-specific box (PS3 box with GTA on it), any advertising fees specific to the bundle, and so forth. I probably agree that it would still be less than 60 dollars per game, but it's close enough.

 I don't think you need not much advertisment. Producing the Box should be that expensive (Basicly you just need a diffrent carton, the game should fit somewhere in the box. And for third party game. Well yes it is, but look this way: Lets say Rockstar gets 30 $ a game for that +probably more games sold. I would say, its a now brainer. I mean, how much do get Rockstar for the game? I would say 35 $ tops (If you substract Licencing to sony, fee for the market, deploying costs.....).

 Also you have to think that way: How much copys of GTA-SA sold on PS2? About 13 Millions Right? How much PS2 are there? About 120 Millions. Thats an Attachrate about 10%? If you calculate XBox360 and PS3 might have sold how much til X-Mas? 20 Million Consoles? If they get the Attach Rate up as 10% after Christmas (The games ships oktober so only 2 Month) they sell "only" 2 Million games. I think something like that will help them sell much much more copys of the game this X-Mas.

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For the LAST LAST time, the 20 gig sold great. They just didn't make enough of them for people to BUY THEM!!!!

theshoe23 said:
For the LAST LAST time, the 20 gig sold great. They just didn't make enough of them for people to BUY THEM!!!!

Not according to Sony:

When I see someone saying a sentence starting with "For the LAST LAST time", I expect them to have thoroughly checked what they're about to say. Apparently, it isn't always the case. Can we stop spreading this myth now?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Correct me if I am wrong but are we supposed to pay an extra $100 for +20 gigs of HD and Motorstorm? WTH? I fail to understand the logic behind this, cos it makes little sense. Motorstorm is $60 worth at best and so, is 20 gigs alone $40 worth??? Oh come on! If I want Motorstorm, I'll either buy it 2nd hand from someone else or just go buy it for $60 after the $499 model, which still costs a lot less! Of course I'd do this all if I was in America now, lol.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

NJ5 said:
theshoe23 said:
For the LAST LAST time, the 20 gig sold great. They just didn't make enough of them for people to BUY THEM!!!!

Not according to Sony:

OK, but according to Sony, the Wii is too expensive, the PS3 is too cheap, they aren't planning a price cut, they're 'earning' third-party developers, the PS3 will sell 5 million units without any games, and I should get a second job.

Around the Network
freedquaker said:
Correct me if I am wrong but are we supposed to pay an extra $100 for +20 gigs of HD and Motorstorm? WTH? I fail to understand the logic behind this, cos it makes little sense. Motorstorm is $60 worth at best and so, is 20 gigs alone $40 worth??? Oh come on! If I want Motorstorm, I'll either buy it 2nd hand from someone else or just go buy it for $60 after the $499 model, which still costs a lot less! Of course I'd do this all if I was in America now, lol.

But it's LIMITED EDITION!  It's cool, man, it's the thing to have.  All the cool kids have 80 GB hard drives on their PS3s... I guess you're just not cool enough.

/sarcasm off

Entroper said:
NJ5 said:
theshoe23 said:
For the LAST LAST time, the 20 gig sold great. They just didn't make enough of them for people to BUY THEM!!!!

Not according to Sony:

OK, but according to Sony, the Wii is too expensive, the PS3 is too cheap, they aren't planning a price cut, they're 'earning' third-party developers, the PS3 will sell 5 million units without any games, and I should get a second job.

OK, so let's change the question to: is there anyone according to whom the 20 GB was selling well? theshoe23 didn't even provide any references.

If there are no references to the contrary, we should take Sony's word for it. Or do you have a better idea? If Sony was lying, I'm sure they have been (or will be) caught in their lie, so bring on those links/facts.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

naznatips said:
Of course it will boost sales a little, but what is with these expectations of doubling sales??? It's not that big a cut, considering there was already a 20GB with nearly the same capabilities at that price that sold so bad it was discontinued. I don't think this will happen to the 60GB, but it certainly shows that $500 isn't some magic "save the PS3" number. It's going to take a larger price cut. My prediction is sales increase between 10% and 20%. There will likely be a 30%-50% increase for the first week on the people who were waiting.

Here's the difference, the new $599.99 model brings a game included, as well as a lager Harddrive, not only that but when I chekec how many ps3's were left in stores in gamestop around my area it said 4+ and 1-3,but one store in miami beach had sold out in one day they had 0.(I check these things every day) Just the day before they had 4+.



Much like the introduction of the XBox 360 Elite model you will see (much) higher sales for the PS3 initially and they may even approach Wii sales numbers for a Week or two but it is likely they will return to a similar level to their current sales. If Sony is lucky sales of the PS3 will stop declining ...

It will boost sales, but I don't think as much as the Elite, i mean if you compare the two, the 360 Elite is a better deal, it has 40 more gb than the PS3 80gb, and costs 120 dollars less. Even if you get a $60 dollar 360 game to match Motorstorm its still less than the PS3 80gb. So it'll probably end the war between the PS3 and GBA, but still won't quite reach the Wii and DS in sales.

Nintendo fan, though i also like the PS1-era Sony

Sales Predictions (+-.5mil) at end of fiscal 2007

Wii- 23 million- Brawl will hopefully make it higher.
360-20 million- GTA IV's release date will be a big factor
PS3- 12 million- Same as 360, MGS4 also big factor