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It will boost sales, but I don't think as much as the Elite, i mean if you compare the two, the 360 Elite is a better deal, it has 40 more gb than the PS3 80gb, and costs 120 dollars less. Even if you get a $60 dollar 360 game to match Motorstorm its still less than the PS3 80gb. So it'll probably end the war between the PS3 and GBA, but still won't quite reach the Wii and DS in sales.

Nintendo fan, though i also like the PS1-era Sony

Sales Predictions (+-.5mil) at end of fiscal 2007

Wii- 23 million- Brawl will hopefully make it higher.
360-20 million- GTA IV's release date will be a big factor
PS3- 12 million- Same as 360, MGS4 also big factor