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naznatips said:
Of course it will boost sales a little, but what is with these expectations of doubling sales??? It's not that big a cut, considering there was already a 20GB with nearly the same capabilities at that price that sold so bad it was discontinued. I don't think this will happen to the 60GB, but it certainly shows that $500 isn't some magic "save the PS3" number. It's going to take a larger price cut. My prediction is sales increase between 10% and 20%. There will likely be a 30%-50% increase for the first week on the people who were waiting.

Here's the difference, the new $599.99 model brings a game included, as well as a lager Harddrive, not only that but when I chekec how many ps3's were left in stores in gamestop around my area it said 4+ and 1-3,but one store in miami beach had sold out in one day they had 0.(I check these things every day) Just the day before they had 4+.

