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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN reviews Caslte Crashers - 9.0

I know some people here are eagar to play this game, so here's IGN review. Also, sorry for the mistyped title

IGN Ratings for Castle Crashers (X360)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
8.0 Presentation
A simple story told with style.
9.0 Graphics
A fantastic art style mixes with some nifty effects. It runs well offline and online.
8.0 Sound
The music is whimsical and the sound effects are solid.
9.0 Gameplay
Simple, addictive gameplay. This is a brilliant modernization of the classic side-scrolling beat-em-up.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
It only takes a few hours to beat, but there's plenty of reason to come back and play through multiple times.
(out of 10 / not an average)


Closing Comments
Castle Crashers takes the best elements of traditional side-scrolling beat-em-ups and adds lots of flair. There's some great humor here and some nice surprises that will please most. Of course, the most important thing is that it's a whole lot of fun -- especially when you play with friends. While there are some cheap moments with enemies firing at your backside, the bulk of Castle Crashers is an enjoyable ride and one every 360 owner should experience.

Around the Network

I smell yet another 90+

Xbox live has been on fire lately. Geometry wars 2, Braid, Galaga, Bionic commando and now this.

With Portal, Duke Nukem, Megaman 9, Quake Arena Arcade, Vigelante 8, SSF2HD, Banjo Kazooie, R-Type...who needs store bought games?

Only if roumors of Radent Silvergun and Samurai Showdown 2 are true...

I need to play this game. I don't have an Xbox 360.

Between the offerings on XBLA and the recent game releases (TW '09, Tales today, IU next week...) my wallet is taking a severe hit. NOT sure when I'm going to have the time to play them all either.

I wont complain about having too much to play though; beats the dry months for sure!

Around the Network

This game looks great. There are way more XBLA games that I want, than 360 retail games.

I'm going to be broke forever with all these damn games! I can't believe how many great games are coming out right now. XBLA is really coming into it's own right now, which is going to make it harder for devs to release crappy games on there now. The bar has been raised.

I haven't even got a chance to try out Bionic Commando and Castle Crashers is coming out already. Well at least Banjo Kazooie will be free since I preordered it.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


heh the 360 problem too many games not enough time.... ill take that problem any day

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Chrizum said:
I need to play this game. I don't have an Xbox 360.

Arcade is only $200! It would compliment your Wii really well...

I think most people here would enjoy owning one...



Wow that's it? I was expecting a 10, or maybe an 11.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.